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Where it all begins.

COVID 19: Should You Hike?

U.S. Counties COVID-19 Map - Aug 16, 2021

COVID-19 U.S. National Map by County
Confirmed Cases and Deaths. View the Google interactive map for COVID-19 Confirmed Cases and COVID-19 Deaths.

U.S. Urban Areas COVID-19 Map - Aug 16, 2021

COVID-19 U.S. National Map by Urban Area
COVID-19 happens where people are and not cornfields, deserts or wilderness areas. This map has county level data projected onto urban areas of all densities. View the Google interactive map for COVID-19 Confirmed Cases/Deaths by Urban Area.

Depressing, surreal and fascinating. This sums up the COVID-19 pandemic for me.

In this time of self-isolation, ironically, there's no better time to get outside. However, should you be outside with people other than members of your immediate household? You need to decide. The following information can help you determine the impact on your family and others; particularly those with increased susceptibility.

Remember, your actions directly jeopardize the well-being of others.

Mortality is the thing. It will flucuate wildly in the early days of this event. Source data is from Download the projection data as a CSV file.

U.S. Population
Confirmed Cases
Confirmed Deaths
Deaths Double
every 242 days
Report for Aug 16, 2021
% of Population Projected Cases Projected Deaths

By now you've probably heard the term flattening of the curve. Experts are saying when the curve flattens out we can return to normal. As of March 25th, 2020 the curve is almost vertical. Peak or flattening is expected by the 2nd or 3rd week in April.

COVID-19 Confirmed Cases Graph
Total number of confirmed cases. This is probably much lower than actual cases since not everyone is tested or on a constant basis.

COVID-19 Deaths Graph
Total number of deaths for the U.S. This is the most accurate indicator of how the COVID-19 pandemic is unfolding.

COVID-19 Daily Cases Graph
The number of new cases reported each day. Again, this is reported and probably far lower than actual cases.

COVID-19 Daily Deaths Graph
Daily deaths if the grim reality and again, the most accurate way to gauge this event.

COVID-19 Deaths Doubling by Day Graph
This is an excellent way to see how rapidly the pandemic is progressing. The smaller the number, the faster spread. The entire point of 'locking down' is to have this number increase by 1 every day, hence no doubling.

The data for the graphs can be downloaded in CSV format.

Change Log
Feb 12, 2021 - source changed data format, yet again, fixed to accomodate.
Feb 6, 2021 - source changed data format, fixed to accomodate.
Apr 3, 2020 - added urban area cases/deaths map.
Mar 31, 2020 - added days deaths double numbers/graphs.
Mar 31, 2020 - added daily cases/deaths graphs.
Mar 26, 2020 - added total cases/deaths graphs.
Mar 24, 2020 - made cases/deaths overlays on google map.
Mar 22, 2020 - added national map.
Mar 22, 2020 - This is the initial release of this page. We will be adding trail related data to it.

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