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"And by the way, it's fine to argue against the existence of racism on the trail if you're polite about it." -PCTA
Yes, the Pacific Crest Trail Association actually said that.
This deleted Facebook post wasn't up for long before it was bombarded by people who make it their lifes mission to monitor such things, armed with a caps lock key and endless supply of emoji's.
The PCTA's response after acknowledging the error of their ways wasn't much better, citing lack of experience in these types of responses. Ironcially, the PCTA has been binge purging any people from the group who don't share their newly found views. Yet, they still moderate the group. Also interesting, the PCTA disables the PCT Facebook group on weekends. How can you manage an entire trail and not successfully moderate a FB group? Other trail organizations don't seem to have a problem.
Social justice should concern us all. We all need to be responsible. So it is with a trail organization. The debacle the PCTA created means dollars used for the trail will now be spent cleaning up a mess of their own creation. The simple task of moderating a Facebook group for inflammatroy remarks will result in the hiring of personnel to monitor their own sensitivity and associated training. Don't expect any meaningful change. The appearance of political correctness is all that matters.
"Don't expect any meaningful change. The appearance of political correctness is all that matters."
The PCTA has further demonstrated their ineptness and mis-management. Attempting to circumvent laws and regulations using nuance regarding permit quotas, the PCTA has now brought additional grief and embarassment to their partners, U.S. Forest Service, National Parks Service, Bureau of Land Management, et al.
According to the PCTA's 2019 financial statement the PCTA received almost 1 million dollars in grants and over 2 million dollars from donors. Will the sensitivity training for the PCTA be funded by grants or donors? Dollars meant for the trail.
"Will the sensitivity training for the PCTA be funded by grants or donors? Dollars meant for the trail."
We urge you to discontinue funding of the PCTA if you are doing so. Additionally, contact the appropriate U.S. Forest Service office and voice your displeasure with the non-relevant trail activities of the PCTA.
Here's the full text of the PCTA's deleted Facebook post (emphasis added):
UPDATE: Just made it throught 175+ reported posts and comments (it took a couple hours). Dozens of people were muted for 1-2 weeks. Keep in mind that even on a reliable, high-speed connection Facebook and internet traffic don't make this process quick or easy (page slowdowns, long delays before page updates/refreshes, difficulties finding a single comment among 200 replies to a post, etc.)
And by the way, it's fine to argue against the existence of racism on the trail if you're polite about it. Unfortunately, most of those posts/comments haven't been. And there have been some pro-BLM, pro-social justice posts that were pretty obnoxious as well. We get the heated emotions, but repeat (again): PLEASE BE CIVIL. Being impolite just undermines whatever you have to say -- and over time, will erode our tolerance (regardless of the content in your message).
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