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Where it all begins.

Overture Cheat Sheet, work in progress

ogr2ogr -dialect sqlite -sql @admins.sql -nln over -overwrite admins.gpkg /vsis3/overturemaps-us-west-2/release/2023-07-26-alpha.0

The above will return 10 rows as defined by the query in just a few seconds, BUT it hangs or continues to process for reasons unknown to me. Also, the layer will be saved as "over" as overature is using non SQL92 compliant dashes in their table name.

In admins.sql:
   ,st_geomfromwkb(geometry, 4326) as geometry
   adminLevel = 2 
   and theme = 'admins'
   and st_geometrytype(st_geomfromwkb(geometry, 4326)) in ('POLYGON','MULTIPOLYGON')
limit 10

...and the results, geom converted to text and intentionally truncated for readability:

ogrinfo -al -sql 'select type, version, updatetime, substr(st_astext(geometry), 0, 128) as astext from over' admins.gpkg

INFO: Open of `admins.gpkg'
      using driver `GPKG' successful.

Layer name: SELECT
Geometry: None
Feature Count: 10
Layer SRS WKT:
type: String (0.0)
version: Integer (0.0)
updatetime: String (0.0)
astext: String (0.0)
  type (String) = locality
  version (Integer) = 0
  updatetime (String) = 2023-05-23T04:52:43.057Z
  astext (String) = POLYGON((46.493368 48.434057, 46.492543 48.432541, 46.528307 48.421227, 46.529021 48.421001, 46.547415 48.415251, 46.559464 48.

  type (String) = locality
  version (Integer) = 0
  updatetime (String) = 2023-05-19T09:51:18.720Z
  astext (String) = MULTIPOLYGON(((19.997814 -22.235828, 19.997841 -22.280758, 19.997841 -22.281415, 19.997849 -22.281445, 19.997866 -22.323292, 19

  type (String) = locality
  version (Integer) = 0
  updatetime (String) = 2022-12-26T20:12:37.872Z
  astext (String) = MULTIPOLYGON(((-68.448347 12.263292, -68.450123 12.25086, -68.447754 12.230143, -68.445978 12.218897, -68.440059 12.208243, -68

  type (String) = locality
  version (Integer) = 0
  updatetime (String) = 2023-05-18T14:07:31.868Z
  astext (String) = MULTIPOLYGON(((-5.512959 10.43081, -5.512767 10.430615, -5.512704 10.430551, -5.512161 10.430215, -5.511644 10.430007, -5.51099

  type (String) = locality
  version (Integer) = 0
  updatetime (String) = 2023-06-30T11:26:57.009Z
  astext (String) = MULTIPOLYGON(((12.090991 50.252562, 12.091036 50.252107, 12.09108 50.251565, 12.09135 50.251171, 12.091603 50.250733, 12.091721

  type (String) = locality
  version (Integer) = 0
  updatetime (String) = 2023-05-22T12:28:53.429Z
  astext (String) = POLYGON((-10.631936 52.038421, -10.632795 52.03639, -10.525116 52.042806, -10.440164 52.049654, -10.405285 52.043744, -10.33465

  type (String) = locality
  version (Integer) = 0
  updatetime (String) = 2023-05-17T11:40:05.925Z
  astext (String) = POLYGON((-61.383817 5.929274, -61.384762 5.924683, -61.357313 5.899423, -61.341549 5.884916, -61.336281 5.87846, -61.301003 5.8

  type (String) = locality
  version (Integer) = 0
  updatetime (String) = 2023-07-05T11:42:25.622Z
  astext (String) = MULTIPOLYGON(((-5.143052 48.454925, -5.143052 48.447632, -5.123214 48.436838, -5.111544 48.43392, -5.09404 48.436838, -5.075028

  type (String) = locality
  version (Integer) = 0
  updatetime (String) = 2023-05-22T10:18:45.075Z
  astext (String) = MULTIPOLYGON(((113.81725 22.217035, 113.818721 22.213811, 113.832384 22.183865, 113.833477 22.18316, 113.834692 22.182378, 113.

  type (String) = locality
  version (Integer) = 0
  updatetime (String) = 2023-05-17T10:49:55.998Z
  astext (String) = MULTIPOLYGON(((72.512459 -53.0383, 72.512347 -53.042318, 72.512501 -53.047023, 72.512962 -53.051708, 72.513729 -53.056354, 72.5

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