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John Muir Trail Animals

The John Muir Trail traverses the habitat of 15 species of amphibians, 145 species of birds, 78 species of mammals and 17 species of reptiles. Only species ranges that the JMT crosses are shown. Species ranges adjacent to the trail are not shown.

Below you will find all the species you may potentially encounter along the JMT. Clicking on any of the species Name fields will refer you to detailed information provided by Clicking on Range will give you an overview map of the species range.

The data is sourced from the USGS Species Data Web Service.

Amphibians Birds Mammals Reptiles

Amphibians - 15
# Name Range
1 Arboreal Salamander 4.15 4277 9685 26 0.6 67.1 Range
2 Baja California Treefrog 1.21 8224 10548 6 145.4 208.3 Range
3 Ensatina 102.67 4032 11488 2192 0.0 211.6 Range
4 Foothill Yellow-legged Frog 21.50 7897 11453 357 24.4 206.8 Range
5 Great Basin Spadefoot 23.12 7516 9688 1112 21.0 177.5 Range
6 Long-toed Salamander 45.33 4144 11070 911 0.0 101.6 Range
7 Mount Lyell Salamander 31.89 7749 11985 1605 14.2 215.9 Range
8 Northern Leopard Frog 0.40 9327 9478 4 52.3 53.0 Range
9 Sierra Nevada Yellow-legged Frog 1.41 8128 11631 20 45.1 136.3 Range
10 Sierra Newt 7.22 4032 7933 57 0.0 110.0 Range
11 Sierran Treefrog 2.38 8740 11302 18 51.1 182.8 Range
12 Southern Mountain Yellow-legged Frog 18.54 8066 11686 1339 133.8 213.5 Range
13 Western Spadefoot 0.23 10400 10444 2 192.4 192.7 Range
14 Western Toad 56.98 4829 11678 968 1.0 209.1 Range
15 Yosemite Toad 55.48 5936 11447 1344 3.5 130.6 Range

Birds - 145
# Name Range
1 Acorn Woodpecker 3.22 4144 8094 9 0.0 9.5 Range
2 Allen's Hummingbird 0.13 9664 9685 1 41.8 41.9 Range
3 American Crow 11.31 4083 9734 76 0.0 189.7 Range
4 American Dipper 4.43 7657 10322 59 8.4 180.1 Range
5 American Goldfinch 65.15 4032 11034 1633 0.0 211.3 Range
6 American Kestrel 8.06 4032 9700 60 0.0 109.7 Range
7 American Pipit 10.32 4032 10991 41 0.0 210.0 Range
8 American Robin 95.30 4032 14081 2030 0.0 220.0 Range
9 American Wigeon 1.38 10340 10554 2 75.9 77.2 Range
10 Anna's Hummingbird 1.10 4245 6096 5 0.5 4.1 Range
11 Ash-throated Flycatcher 15.39 4032 9887 46 0.0 149.5 Range
12 Bald Eagle 7.12 8217 11814 130 45.0 167.6 Range
13 Band-tailed Pigeon 11.95 4032 8842 145 0.0 145.2 Range
14 Belted Kingfisher 6.59 7034 9127 31 6.8 113.9 Range
15 Bewick's Wren 7.43 4032 7008 40 0.0 6.7 Range
16 Black-backed Woodpecker 88.57 5965 12113 2572 4.0 211.7 Range
17 Black-headed Grosbeak 77.41 4032 11039 1097 0.0 175.6 Range
18 Black Swift 2.06 4032 8307 12 0.0 144.0 Range
19 Black-throated Gray Warbler 1.83 8757 9485 258 28.9 52.7 Range
20 Black-throated Sparrow 0.27 7959 8051 1 88.0 88.2 Range
21 Brewer's Blackbird 32.43 4032 13999 766 0.0 220.0 Range
22 Brewer's Sparrow 7.03 7848 14475 65 88.7 220.0 Range
23 Brown Creeper 107.51 4032 11726 3046 0.0 212.6 Range
24 Brown-headed Cowbird 20.42 4032 9918 445 0.0 151.2 Range
25 Bufflehead 1.96 10535 11876 433 131.5 216.0 Range
26 Cackling Goose 3.52 8740 11588 262 44.7 131.6 Range
27 California Condor 3.29 7848 8612 555 88.4 147.6 Range
28 California Spotted Owl 10.16 4042 7772 60 0.0 61.9 Range
29 Calliope Hummingbird 30.29 4344 11411 688 0.7 211.9 Range
30 Canyon Wren 127.62 4032 14475 3820 0.0 220.0 Range
31 Cassin's Finch 65.00 4032 10364 1211 0.0 178.8 Range
32 Cassin's Vireo 7.79 4032 7618 45 0.0 8.3 Range
33 Cattle Egret 1.98 10545 11257 79 128.9 183.8 Range
34 Cedar Waxwing 24.43 4032 10121 611 0.0 113.8 Range
35 Chestnut-backed Chickadee 9.92 4032 9177 51 0.0 11.7 Range
36 Chipping Sparrow 66.21 4032 11726 1714 0.0 211.6 Range
37 Chukar 0.70 8855 9065 67 50.0 50.6 Range
38 Cinnamon Teal 0.07 10984 11013 1 135.4 135.5 Range
39 Clark's Nutcracker 80.99 4144 11437 2396 0.0 211.3 Range
40 Cliff Swallow 0.99 9895 10200 2 43.7 44.7 Range
41 Common Moorhen 4.52 8586 11457 36 41.6 142.1 Range
42 Common Nighthawk 68.50 4032 10979 1358 0.0 180.8 Range
43 Common Raven 20.94 4032 11073 191 0.0 42.9 Range
44 Common Yellowthroat 0.91 9646 10092 22 41.7 42.6 Range
45 Cooper's Hawk 67.87 4032 10979 1499 0.0 179.4 Range
46 Dark-eyed Junco 109.24 4032 12159 2995 0.0 211.6 Range
47 Downy Woodpecker 8.66 4032 7881 50 0.0 9.0 Range
48 Dusky Flycatcher 93.64 4032 14239 1748 0.0 220.0 Range
49 Eared Grebe 5.63 8835 11982 971 29.3 167.2 Range
50 Eurasian Collared-dove 66.98 4032 13999 1372 0.0 220.0 Range
51 European Starling 46.77 4032 10979 1252 0.0 211.3 Range
52 Evening Grosbeak 92.27 4032 13150 1079 0.0 210.8 Range
53 Ferruginous Hawk 4.10 6138 9206 61 5.2 174.9 Range
54 Flammulated Owl 41.68 5479 9875 490 2.7 177.6 Range
55 Fox Sparrow 217.19 4032 13150 6597 0.0 216.7 Range
56 Gadwall 3.35 9682 12027 156 46.3 168.0 Range
57 Golden-crowned Kinglet 104.93 4032 11726 2980 0.0 211.6 Range
58 Golden Eagle 5.36 5804 9306 21 3.3 177.6 Range
59 Gray-crowned Rosy-finch 179.34 7474 14475 6220 11.8 220.0 Range
60 Gray Flycatcher 0.32 8871 8911 4 30.1 30.5 Range
61 Great Blue Heron 12.08 4032 9591 69 0.0 90.2 Range
62 Greater Roadrunner 1.45 8750 9304 35 148.3 174.3 Range
63 Greater Sage-grouse 1.42 7933 8202 95 109.4 145.4 Range
64 Great Gray Owl 2.98 8622 9590 37 13.0 24.9 Range
65 Great Horned Owl 235.00 4032 14475 6760 0.0 220.0 Range
66 Great-tailed Grackle 9.81 4032 8622 54 0.0 109.5 Range
67 Green-tailed Towhee 23.56 4344 11506 304 0.7 190.8 Range
68 Hairy Woodpecker 71.30 4032 10945 858 0.0 111.1 Range
69 Hammond's Flycatcher 71.28 4032 10502 1659 0.0 191.4 Range
70 Hermit Thrush 101.50 4032 13914 3062 0.0 220.0 Range
71 Hermit Warbler 42.76 4825 10472 579 1.0 92.1 Range
72 Horned Lark 112.02 5965 12549 3071 3.9 214.9 Range
73 House Finch 92.90 4032 13914 2657 0.0 220.0 Range
74 House Wren 0.40 10210 10243 1 43.1 43.5 Range
75 Killdeer 1.27 5925 6188 2 3.5 4.7 Range
76 Lapland Longspur 3.08 8586 9127 30 21.1 26.9 Range
77 Lazuli Bunting 9.02 4032 10400 53 0.0 72.7 Range
78 Lesser Scaup 2.25 10344 11001 4 75.4 127.2 Range
79 Lewis's Woodpecker 6.82 4032 9551 26 0.0 142.9 Range
80 Long-eared Owl 34.29 4032 14475 832 0.0 220.0 Range
81 Macgillivray's Warbler 12.21 4032 9835 89 0.0 69.0 Range
82 Mallard 15.75 4032 11637 345 0.0 191.1 Range
83 Merlin 27.13 6955 14032 714 6.0 220.0 Range
84 Mountain Bluebird 55.48 4032 12159 667 0.0 212.4 Range
85 Mountain Chickadee 21.78 4032 12159 199 0.0 168.9 Range
86 Mountain Quail 95.45 4032 11339 1907 0.0 214.0 Range
87 Mourning Dove 84.35 4032 14081 2020 0.0 220.0 Range
88 Nashville Warbler 0.12 4032 4049 1 0.0 0.1 Range
89 Northern Flicker 101.84 4032 12316 2229 0.0 216.8 Range
90 Northern Goshawk 122.72 4032 13796 3231 0.0 220.0 Range
91 Northern Harrier 1.83 9078 11572 3 78.6 131.4 Range
92 Northern Mockingbird 23.84 4032 9817 672 0.0 177.2 Range
93 Northern Pintail 1.40 10344 10558 2 75.9 77.2 Range
94 Northern Pygmy-owl 74.48 4032 10161 1080 0.0 190.2 Range
95 Northern Pygmy-owl 74.48 4032 10161 1080 0.0 190.2 Range
96 Northern Saw-whet Owl 27.08 4032 11070 540 0.0 183.7 Range
97 Olive-sided Flycatcher 122.81 4032 11437 2172 0.0 211.5 Range
98 Osprey 8.15 8740 11982 1007 42.5 153.6 Range
99 Peregrine Falcon 65.03 4032 11030 977 0.0 211.2 Range
100 Pileated Woodpecker 55.48 4032 12316 855 0.0 216.7 Range
101 Pine Grosbeak 59.48 4032 10568 850 0.0 113.7 Range
102 Pine Siskin 107.59 4032 13914 3266 0.0 220.0 Range
103 Pinyon Jay 8.28 7671 14045 107 13.7 220.0 Range
104 Prairie Falcon 11.41 7651 10505 233 38.7 63.1 Range
105 Purple Finch 1.65 4032 4888 18 0.0 1.7 Range
106 Pygmy Nuthatch 18.31 7474 10986 151 23.4 206.9 Range
107 Red-breasted Nuthatch 35.85 4032 10469 686 0.0 112.6 Range
108 Red-breasted Sapsucker 63.99 4032 10230 1158 0.0 175.7 Range
109 Red Crossbill 26.46 4032 14475 867 0.0 220.0 Range
110 Redhead 5.00 8734 11903 85 46.1 175.2 Range
111 Red-shouldered Hawk 2.46 9636 10243 23 41.1 43.4 Range
112 Red-tailed Hawk 108.15 4032 14475 2404 0.0 220.0 Range
113 Ring-necked Duck 4.55 7657 11982 901 26.1 183.8 Range
114 Rock Wren 119.24 7582 13150 4547 22.9 215.9 Range
115 Rough-legged Hawk 0.18 8947 8983 2 94.6 94.8 Range
116 Ruby-crowned Kinglet 109.79 6119 11692 3207 5.1 212.6 Range
117 Ruddy Duck 1.38 10344 10556 2 75.9 77.2 Range
118 Scott's Oriole 2.71 7881 8783 8 108.0 111.8 Range
119 Sharp-shinned Hawk 94.10 4032 11034 1991 0.0 211.9 Range
120 Short-eared Owl 5.26 8491 9668 259 50.8 57.0 Range
121 Song Sparrow 13.10 7657 10534 82 14.2 179.3 Range
122 Spotted Owl 11.61 4032 7812 60 0.0 61.7 Range
123 Spotted Towhee 0.39 8215 8560 1 89.5 89.8 Range
124 Steller's Jay 33.69 4032 10469 143 0.0 110.7 Range
125 Townsend's Solitaire 21.09 4032 10161 514 0.0 111.1 Range
126 Tree Swallow 25.50 4032 10230 341 0.0 110.0 Range
127 Turkey Vulture 97.58 4032 14081 2031 0.0 220.0 Range
128 Vaux's Swift 3.75 4032 5768 34 0.0 3.1 Range
129 Violet-green Swallow 64.76 4032 12159 2491 0.0 168.5 Range
130 Virginia Rail 1.07 7657 8727 4 26.1 60.2 Range
131 Warbling Vireo 4.86 8622 10459 14 26.3 94.3 Range
132 Western Grebe 1.03 9793 10118 72 47.5 48.4 Range
133 Western Meadowlark 5.59 7881 10118 167 21.6 110.7 Range
134 Western Tanager 75.85 4032 10390 1144 0.0 191.2 Range
135 Western Wood-pewee 77.33 4144 10243 1394 0.0 191.1 Range
136 White-breasted Nuthatch 24.35 4390 10877 329 0.7 191.2 Range
137 White-crowned Sparrow 114.06 4032 13914 2890 0.0 220.0 Range
138 White-headed Woodpecker 29.37 4032 9708 158 0.0 176.5 Range
139 White-tailed Ptarmigan 18.22 8795 11073 570 13.0 53.6 Range
140 White-throated Swift 21.88 4032 9544 437 0.0 64.3 Range
141 Willow Flycatcher 7.13 8061 10843 320 25.7 125.7 Range
142 Wilson's Phalarope 2.35 9695 10456 79 42.9 83.9 Range
143 Wilson's Warbler 13.47 5925 10614 333 3.7 113.0 Range
144 Winter Wren 29.93 4032 10469 395 0.0 111.4 Range
145 Yellow-rumped Warbler 98.64 4032 14084 2093 0.0 220.0 Range

Mammals - 78
# Name Range
1 Alpine Chipmunk 141.38 7612 12932 5464 11.3 219.7 Range
2 American Badger 15.02 4032 11541 244 0.0 208.0 Range
3 American Beaver 0.21 7890 7940 1 109.9 110.1 Range
4 American Black Bear 13.20 5965 13796 62 4.0 220.0 Range
5 American Marten 77.61 5745 11358 1700 3.2 211.6 Range
6 American Pika 146.77 7509 14380 4569 8.2 220.0 Range
7 American Water Shrew 1.07 9642 9800 2 121.5 122.5 Range
8 Belding's Ground Squirrel 53.90 4032 10230 1821 0.0 176.1 Range
9 Big Brown Bat 151.94 4032 11083 2536 0.0 194.4 Range
10 Bighorn Sheep 206.87 4032 12818 6059 0.0 216.7 Range
11 Bobcat 75.53 5347 10945 1121 2.4 191.1 Range
12 Botta's Pocket Gopher 17.36 7848 12379 130 86.4 216.3 Range
13 Broad-footed Mole 5.69 4032 9693 80 0.0 64.1 Range
14 Brush Deermouse 17.67 4032 10167 231 0.0 190.6 Range
15 Bushy-tailed Woodrat 35.50 4042 11328 363 0.0 212.0 Range
16 California Ground Squirrel 107.38 4032 11266 2334 0.0 212.6 Range
17 Californian Myotis 25.66 4032 9551 598 0.0 143.0 Range
18 Cougar 93.68 4032 11978 2303 0.0 212.6 Range
19 Coyote 90.93 4032 10771 1684 0.0 179.8 Range
20 Douglas's Squirrel 97.83 5745 11093 1818 3.2 211.6 Range
21 Dusky Shrew 201.33 4032 11890 5051 0.0 214.3 Range
22 Ermine 101.05 4042 12159 3507 0.0 193.8 Range
23 Fisher 4.82 4032 7530 19 0.0 8.0 Range
24 Fringed Myotis 21.36 4724 9698 713 1.0 189.7 Range
25 Golden-mantled Ground Squirrel 126.91 4290 12359 4354 0.6 215.9 Range
26 Gray Fox 8.71 4032 8262 48 0.0 61.9 Range
27 Great Basin Pocket Mouse 1.17 5745 8412 6 3.1 111.3 Range
28 Greater Bonneted Bat 5.13 4032 8094 34 0.0 9.6 Range
29 Hoary Bat 58.47 4032 11073 624 0.0 179.3 Range
30 Inyo Shrew 31.27 7474 10423 1361 12.6 190.3 Range
31 Little Brown Myotis 114.90 4032 11437 2862 0.0 209.5 Range
32 Lodgepole Chipmunk 73.91 5459 10869 1440 2.7 212.0 Range
33 Long-eared Chipmunk 17.04 4032 8542 94 0.0 64.1 Range
34 Long-eared Myotis 120.93 4032 10728 2576 0.0 191.3 Range
35 Long-legged Myotis 107.54 4032 11654 2229 0.0 215.8 Range
36 Long-tailed Vole 18.99 7618 11834 295 8.3 201.8 Range
37 Long-tailed Weasel 95.20 4032 12316 2259 0.0 216.8 Range
38 Mexican Free-tailed Bat 103.57 4032 10922 2324 0.0 209.5 Range
39 Montane Vole 18.09 6119 10636 760 5.0 193.5 Range
40 Mountain Pocket Gopher 69.49 6131 10908 1650 4.5 127.5 Range
41 Mt. Lyell Shrew 13.19 8074 11066 282 12.8 112.6 Range
42 Mule Deer 5.19 7952 9875 267 9.2 148.7 Range
43 North American Deermouse 12.01 7827 9872 318 13.0 146.0 Range
44 North American Porcupine 146.43 4032 11746 2832 0.0 211.1 Range
45 North American River Otter 4.24 8668 11129 96 11.2 183.8 Range
46 Northern Flying Squirrel 85.44 4032 11132 1713 0.0 211.6 Range
47 Pallid Bat 12.30 4032 9865 62 0.0 91.2 Range
48 Panamint Chipmunk 2.40 7474 9757 531 50.7 188.8 Range
49 Panamint Kangaroo Rat 2.55 7479 8668 18 60.0 114.7 Range
50 Pinon Deermouse 9.47 5148 10026 48 2.1 45.1 Range
51 Raccoon 89.61 4032 10976 1966 0.0 211.9 Range
52 Red Fox 94.16 4997 12487 2135 2.0 217.0 Range
53 Ringtail 27.53 4032 9938 793 0.0 189.7 Range
54 Sewellel 31.88 5988 10899 614 4.0 208.0 Range
55 Shadow Chipmunk 48.23 4144 9720 313 0.0 150.5 Range
56 Sierra Nevada Red Fox 87.85 4390 13888 2093 0.8 220.0 Range
57 Silver-haired Bat 78.72 4032 11068 1625 0.0 179.5 Range
58 Snowshoe Hare 33.66 6115 11073 413 4.4 73.7 Range
59 Spotted Bat 107.09 4032 10761 1816 0.0 190.5 Range
60 Striped Skunk 43.78 4032 10148 573 0.0 151.2 Range
61 Townsend's Big-eared Bat 200.01 4032 12609 4952 0.0 212.3 Range
62 Townsend's Western Big-eared Bat 115.78 4032 11572 2659 0.0 211.5 Range
63 Trowbridge's Shrew 19.03 4646 9439 636 1.0 144.0 Range
64 Uinta Chipmunk 66.70 7474 11588 1823 21.3 214.9 Range
65 Vagrant Shrew 188.74 4032 12846 6035 0.0 205.9 Range
66 Western Gray Squirrel 13.76 4278 14163 64 0.6 220.0 Range
67 Western Harvest Mouse 9.14 5804 11347 59 3.3 170.0 Range
68 Western Heather Vole 60.44 6690 11506 1328 6.0 193.9 Range
69 Western Jumping Mouse 7.46 4117 9515 78 0.0 147.6 Range
70 Western Red Bat 1.27 4068 6188 7 0.1 4.6 Range
71 Western Small-footed Myotis 96.86 5453 10945 2012 2.6 190.4 Range
72 Western Spotted Skunk 29.00 4032 9828 224 0.0 176.4 Range
73 White-tailed Jackrabbit 119.43 5925 14475 3572 3.7 220.0 Range
74 Wild Boar 9.34 7159 11624 190 7.2 195.6 Range
75 Wolverine 105.80 6115 11411 2632 4.4 212.5 Range
76 Yellow-bellied Marmot 220.25 4390 14475 6632 0.8 220.0 Range
77 Yellow-pine Chipmunk 4.86 7858 9498 38 51.9 58.8 Range
78 Yuma Myotis 18.87 4032 9774 590 0.0 112.9 Range

Reptiles - 17
# Name Range
1 California Mountain Kingsnake 13.84 4032 8446 68 0.0 111.2 Range
2 Common Kingsnake 5.38 4032 6421 38 0.0 5.7 Range
3 Common Sagebrush Lizard 61.49 4390 10935 1248 0.8 209.5 Range
4 Desert Nightsnake 0.81 8646 10190 12 84.0 87.1 Range
5 Gilbert's Skink 0.39 7014 7530 2 6.8 8.0 Range
6 Gophersnake 18.96 4032 9573 922 0.0 112.6 Range
7 North American Racer 7.57 4032 8612 16 0.0 111.9 Range
8 Northern Alligator Lizard 37.39 4032 10804 598 0.0 190.1 Range
9 Northern Rubber Boa 69.40 4032 10463 1080 0.0 111.8 Range
10 Ring-necked Snake 7.02 4032 7677 38 0.0 8.3 Range
11 Sierra Gartersnake 1.14 4032 7669 10 0.0 61.1 Range
12 Striped Whipsnake 0.98 8323 9577 4 89.6 90.7 Range
13 Terrestrial Gartersnake 94.88 4032 11339 2037 0.0 211.5 Range
14 Western Fence Lizard 155.30 4032 11296 3662 0.0 213.8 Range
15 Western Pond Turtle 2.09 4521 5542 26 1.0 2.8 Range
16 Western Rattlesnake 69.03 4032 9780 1520 0.0 178.6 Range
17 Yellow-backed Spiny Lizard 23.22 4032 11483 503 0.0 208.3 Range

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