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Where it all begins.

Oregon Desert Trail Animals

The Oregon Desert Trail traverses the habitat of 10 species of amphibians, 224 species of birds, 88 species of mammals and 19 species of reptiles. Only species ranges that the ODT crosses are shown. Species ranges adjacent to the trail are not shown.

Below you will find all the species you may potentially encounter along the ODT. Clicking on any of the species Name fields will refer you to detailed information provided by Clicking on Range will give you an overview map of the species range.

The data is sourced from the USGS Species Data Web Service.

Amphibians Birds Mammals Reptiles

Amphibians - 10
# Name Range
1 American Bullfrog 6.12 2748 4632 5 2.6 800.0 Range
2 Barred Tiger Salamander 0.30 4662 4669 1 677.4 677.8 Range
3 Columbia Spotted Frog 10.83 2662 9022 41 78.9 800.0 Range
4 Great Basin Spadefoot 711.76 2662 9565 176 6.2 800.0 Range
5 Long-toed Salamander 30.25 3403 5951 80 0.0 184.7 Range
6 Northern Leopard Frog 13.12 2734 5196 18 626.9 799.4 Range
7 Northwestern Salamander 13.79 3402 6008 28 0.3 50.7 Range
8 Sierran Treefrog 12.24 2662 8441 33 24.7 800.0 Range
9 Western Toad 9.04 2662 7352 22 42.8 800.0 Range
10 Woodhouse's Toad 103.46 2662 4794 20 670.5 800.0 Range

Birds - 224
# Name Range
1 American Avocet 40.60 2662 7472 38 94.3 773.4 Range
2 American Bittern 4.14 2662 4539 5 288.8 765.4 Range
3 American Coot 3.22 4024 8662 3 422.9 500.3 Range
4 American Crow 299.18 2662 5773 104 0.0 800.0 Range
5 American Dipper 16.55 2862 9331 44 83.4 782.2 Range
6 American Goldfinch 244.70 3271 9565 186 13.3 800.0 Range
7 American Kestrel 620.36 2748 9565 190 0.0 800.0 Range
8 American Robin 195.66 2818 9530 116 15.5 800.0 Range
9 American Three-toed Woodpecker 18.21 4823 6225 11 27.3 56.4 Range
10 American Tree Sparrow 569.53 2662 7652 211 0.0 800.0 Range
11 American White Pelican 25.67 2662 6251 19 71.5 800.0 Range
12 American Wigeon 38.85 2662 7960 48 70.9 800.0 Range
13 Anna's Hummingbird 20.35 3402 6225 30 0.3 86.3 Range
14 Ash-throated Flycatcher 550.21 2662 9403 270 0.0 800.0 Range
15 Bald Eagle 7.58 2662 5688 9 288.7 797.5 Range
16 Bank Swallow 319.21 2662 9530 242 0.0 800.0 Range
17 Barn Owl 559.47 2662 7774 143 0.0 800.0 Range
18 Barn Swallow 202.18 2662 9530 159 13.3 800.0 Range
19 Barrow's Goldeneye 0.71 4728 4766 1 100.0 100.5 Range
20 Belted Kingfisher 78.65 2760 8217 102 3.1 800.0 Range
21 Black-backed Woodpecker 69.55 4624 7605 33 26.8 261.0 Range
22 Black-billed Magpie 596.97 2662 9565 244 0.0 800.0 Range
23 Black-capped Chickadee 15.44 4477 7067 21 39.7 425.8 Range
24 Black-chinned Hummingbird 39.92 2793 7404 62 0.3 800.0 Range
25 Black-crowned Night-heron 34.37 3948 6488 39 93.4 774.2 Range
26 Black-headed Grosbeak 161.47 2818 7968 165 0.0 800.0 Range
27 Black-necked Stilt 25.57 3361 7123 24 118.0 729.5 Range
28 Black Rosy-finch 356.96 2662 9565 336 229.5 799.7 Range
29 Black Tern 2.34 2662 4486 4 286.7 768.0 Range
30 Black-throated Gray Warbler 47.31 2835 7706 99 1.3 800.0 Range
31 Black-throated Sparrow 409.35 2662 8130 163 93.8 773.8 Range
32 Blue-gray Gnatcatcher 21.46 5235 7774 15 472.3 591.8 Range
33 Blue-winged Teal 21.83 4024 8266 20 96.0 772.3 Range
34 Bobolink 18.02 3361 5358 18 583.2 741.5 Range
35 Brewer's Blackbird 616.32 2662 9565 217 0.8 800.0 Range
36 Brewer's Sparrow 539.07 2662 9565 263 0.0 800.0 Range
37 Broad-tailed Hummingbird 2.40 4156 6152 7 596.5 645.5 Range
38 Brown Creeper 92.45 4530 7625 53 13.3 780.0 Range
39 Brown-headed Cowbird 540.07 2760 9565 203 0.0 800.0 Range
40 Bufflehead 26.07 2662 6080 33 69.3 800.0 Range
41 Bullock's Oriole 4.35 3399 7193 10 144.7 716.4 Range
42 Burrowing Owl 609.09 2662 9530 182 7.6 800.0 Range
43 Bushtit 489.08 2662 9565 232 0.0 800.0 Range
44 California Gull 23.21 2662 6001 34 63.9 800.0 Range
45 California Quail 486.85 2662 9565 366 0.0 800.0 Range
46 Calliope Hummingbird 71.78 4651 7620 77 26.6 556.2 Range
47 Canada Goose 178.14 2662 8107 159 26.6 800.0 Range
48 Canvasback 8.36 4025 5982 7 290.4 461.6 Range
49 Canyon Wren 264.60 2662 9565 276 5.9 800.0 Range
50 Caspian Tern 0.30 4483 4529 1 293.5 293.8 Range
51 Cassin's Finch 601.65 2911 9565 280 0.0 800.0 Range
52 Cassin's Vireo 33.10 4651 6190 45 26.5 260.3 Range
53 Cattle Egret 35.58 3405 9440 31 89.5 778.3 Range
54 Cedar Waxwing 279.32 2818 9497 148 13.3 800.0 Range
55 Chipping Sparrow 680.60 2741 9565 153 0.0 800.0 Range
56 Chukar 430.00 2662 9565 132 303.7 799.2 Range
57 Cinnamon Teal 23.72 2662 5881 27 60.0 790.7 Range
58 Clark's Grebe 8.41 2662 5883 11 286.9 767.7 Range
59 Clark's Nutcracker 60.71 4710 7611 61 26.0 261.0 Range
60 Cliff Swallow 607.90 2662 9565 191 0.0 800.0 Range
61 Common Goldeneye 10.65 2662 4930 7 90.0 800.0 Range
62 Common Merganser 7.23 2662 4539 8 288.7 768.1 Range
63 Common Nighthawk 755.48 2662 9565 110 0.0 800.0 Range
64 Common Poorwill 594.87 2662 9460 302 0.0 800.0 Range
65 Common Raven 755.15 2662 9565 131 0.0 800.0 Range
66 Common Yellowthroat 115.40 2664 8131 89 28.3 800.0 Range
67 Cooper's Hawk 382.92 2662 9530 244 0.0 800.0 Range
68 Cordilleran Flycatcher 52.56 2872 8128 72 28.4 800.0 Range
69 Dark-eyed Junco 298.86 2748 8779 228 13.3 800.0 Range
70 Double-crested Cormorant 13.94 4477 7317 14 179.8 301.9 Range
71 Downy Woodpecker 112.79 2665 7625 75 0.2 800.0 Range
72 Dusky Flycatcher 562.77 2662 9565 273 0.0 800.0 Range
73 Eared Grebe 3.21 2662 4499 4 288.7 800.0 Range
74 Eastern Kingbird 440.60 2662 9479 80 304.1 800.0 Range
75 Eurasian Collared-dove 197.53 2810 9481 148 4.4 800.0 Range
76 European Starling 135.89 2662 9530 124 0.0 800.0 Range
77 Evening Grosbeak 30.42 4302 7623 27 24.8 800.0 Range
78 Ferruginous Hawk 641.76 2662 9565 194 44.9 800.0 Range
79 Flammulated Owl 82.55 4420 7571 78 26.5 786.1 Range
80 Forster's Tern 21.25 4026 5890 11 286.4 676.2 Range
81 Fox Sparrow 113.18 2793 9530 114 25.9 800.0 Range
82 Gadwall 31.80 2662 7698 33 38.6 800.0 Range
83 Golden-crowned Kinglet 98.57 4532 7625 53 13.3 780.0 Range
84 Golden-crowned Sparrow 3.85 4703 6442 12 51.0 260.7 Range
85 Golden Eagle 680.81 2662 9565 192 0.0 800.0 Range
86 Gray Catbird 0.10 4105 4166 2 796.4 796.5 Range
87 Gray-crowned Rosy-finch 8.08 4017 5404 19 610.7 796.0 Range
88 Gray Flycatcher 536.63 2662 9565 365 0.0 800.0 Range
89 Gray Partridge 317.28 2662 8068 313 0.0 800.0 Range
90 Great Basin Sage Sparrow 503.60 2662 8689 313 47.1 800.0 Range
91 Great Blue Heron 202.68 2818 7162 183 13.3 800.0 Range
92 Great Egret 10.99 4219 5397 11 118.9 728.4 Range
93 Greater Sage-grouse 414.60 3511 8441 320 68.6 797.8 Range
94 Great Horned Owl 757.49 2662 9565 115 0.0 800.0 Range
95 Great-tailed Grackle 19.21 4024 7806 16 446.9 528.5 Range
96 Green-tailed Towhee 584.83 2662 9565 285 0.0 800.0 Range
97 Green-winged Teal 40.39 2662 9440 36 89.5 778.3 Range
98 Hairy Woodpecker 70.68 3402 7625 40 0.2 541.8 Range
99 Hammond's Flycatcher 67.74 4682 7625 61 26.0 261.0 Range
100 Hermit Thrush 32.56 4595 7398 20 173.8 529.6 Range
101 Hooded Merganser 29.88 2662 6934 31 13.3 800.0 Range
102 Horned Grebe 1.93 2662 4463 3 94.4 767.5 Range
103 Horned Lark 624.61 2662 9565 141 0.0 800.0 Range
104 House Finch 231.07 2784 8107 136 13.3 800.0 Range
105 House Sparrow 2.67 3405 4991 5 219.3 705.8 Range
106 House Wren 234.12 2662 9530 149 13.3 800.0 Range
107 Juniper Titmouse 57.78 4043 6991 130 97.5 539.8 Range
108 Killdeer 94.35 2662 7373 77 27.0 800.0 Range
109 Lapland Longspur 222.82 2765 9530 174 13.3 800.0 Range
110 Lark Sparrow 712.59 2662 9565 173 0.0 800.0 Range
111 Lazuli Bunting 543.93 2662 9565 341 0.0 800.0 Range
112 Lesser Goldfinch 129.37 2662 8068 151 3.4 800.0 Range
113 Lesser Scaup 7.53 2662 9085 13 288.7 800.0 Range
114 Lewis's Woodpecker 53.35 2823 7318 53 26.5 800.0 Range
115 Loggerhead Shrike 651.45 2662 9565 305 0.0 800.0 Range
116 Long-billed Curlew 430.44 2662 7774 215 0.0 800.0 Range
117 Long-eared Owl 587.12 2741 9565 193 0.0 800.0 Range
118 Macgillivray's Warbler 24.81 3430 8274 61 1.4 800.0 Range
119 Mallard 37.18 2662 8714 43 69.0 800.0 Range
120 Marsh Wren 51.46 3366 9520 51 26.8 800.0 Range
121 Merlin 544.54 2662 9565 242 0.0 800.0 Range
122 Mountain Bluebird 472.61 2662 9530 444 0.0 800.0 Range
123 Mountain Chickadee 74.12 3050 8128 77 0.2 800.0 Range
124 Mountain Quail 0.48 8015 8113 2 524.0 525.5 Range
125 Mourning Dove 741.27 2662 9565 124 0.0 800.0 Range
126 Nashville Warbler 2.90 5578 6225 2 28.6 31.6 Range
127 Northern Flicker 229.06 2854 8132 124 0.2 800.0 Range
128 Northern Goshawk 435.30 2662 9565 272 0.0 800.0 Range
129 Northern Harrier 593.15 2662 9565 313 0.0 800.0 Range
130 Northern Mockingbird 707.49 2662 9530 151 0.0 800.0 Range
131 Northern Pintail 124.90 2662 8132 117 71.3 800.0 Range
132 Northern Pygmy-owl 83.19 3402 7625 61 0.3 337.9 Range
133 Northern Pygmy-owl 83.19 3402 7625 61 0.3 337.9 Range
134 Northern Rough-winged Swallow 232.79 2662 9530 168 13.3 800.0 Range
135 Northern Saw-whet Owl 67.96 4531 7471 36 27.2 314.4 Range
136 Northern Shoveler 113.09 2662 8699 123 2.9 800.0 Range
137 Northern Shrike 664.72 2662 9565 174 0.0 800.0 Range
138 Olive-sided Flycatcher 141.90 2662 9095 123 9.8 800.0 Range
139 Orange-crowned Warbler 84.05 4413 7570 42 28.0 754.1 Range
140 Osprey 3.45 4477 4545 4 290.4 297.8 Range
141 Pacific-slope Flycatcher 5.22 4333 4921 12 33.8 226.7 Range
142 Peregrine Falcon 651.46 2662 9530 289 0.0 800.0 Range
143 Pied-billed Grebe 31.83 2662 8266 23 96.0 800.0 Range
144 Pileated Woodpecker 60.59 3402 7625 25 0.2 261.0 Range
145 Pine Siskin 125.14 2894 7879 86 26.0 800.0 Range
146 Pinyon Jay 79.58 3402 6202 25 0.0 88.5 Range
147 Prairie Falcon 631.94 2662 9565 215 0.0 800.0 Range
148 Purple Finch 78.64 4440 7092 52 13.4 285.8 Range
149 Pygmy Nuthatch 81.50 3452 7471 57 1.8 341.3 Range
150 Red-breasted Nuthatch 59.71 4674 7555 32 28.7 260.6 Range
151 Red-breasted Sapsucker 20.26 4684 7508 49 175.6 313.4 Range
152 Red Crossbill 89.66 4017 8021 55 28.0 800.0 Range
153 Redhead 38.69 2662 7371 39 60.1 800.0 Range
154 Red-naped Sapsucker 253.84 3384 9526 173 229.6 711.6 Range
155 Red-tailed Hawk 741.41 2662 9565 122 0.0 800.0 Range
156 Red-winged Blackbird 109.31 2891 9530 92 27.0 800.0 Range
157 Ring-billed Gull 26.88 2662 8963 37 62.5 800.0 Range
158 Ring-necked Duck 11.62 2662 6054 15 70.9 800.0 Range
159 Ring-necked Pheasant 77.26 2662 5595 50 576.6 799.2 Range
160 Rock Wren 638.21 2662 9565 259 0.0 800.0 Range
161 Rough-legged Hawk 613.26 2662 9565 168 0.0 800.0 Range
162 Ruby-crowned Kinglet 466.21 2738 9565 245 13.3 800.0 Range
163 Ruddy Duck 7.44 2662 6059 8 288.8 800.0 Range
164 Rufous Hummingbird 54.67 2738 7605 70 3.3 800.0 Range
165 Sage Sparrow 495.83 2662 8578 309 47.8 800.0 Range
166 Sage Thrasher 414.75 2662 9565 301 0.0 800.0 Range
167 Sandhill Crane 31.15 4336 6991 31 26.2 388.1 Range
168 Savannah Sparrow 406.70 2727 9565 198 0.0 800.0 Range
169 Say's Phoebe 567.87 2662 8689 269 0.0 800.0 Range
170 Sharp-shinned Hawk 258.10 3157 9530 152 1.6 800.0 Range
171 Short-eared Owl 668.42 2662 9530 212 0.0 800.0 Range
172 Snow Bunting 46.74 2901 6823 51 273.3 789.4 Range
173 Snow Goose 32.01 4193 5916 28 106.3 404.4 Range
174 Snowy Egret 33.44 3382 6578 32 154.0 705.4 Range
175 Snowy Owl 84.61 2662 7762 89 27.2 800.0 Range
176 Snowy Plover 5.13 4060 6251 5 238.3 462.5 Range
177 Song Sparrow 687.51 2662 9565 158 0.0 800.0 Range
178 Sora 5.32 4479 9560 4 299.1 459.5 Range
179 Spotted Sandpiper 305.56 2662 9530 243 3.1 800.0 Range
180 Spotted Towhee 494.59 2662 6712 352 0.0 800.0 Range
181 Steller's Jay 30.61 3402 7397 55 0.3 297.6 Range
182 Swainson's Hawk 658.59 2662 9565 178 0.0 800.0 Range
183 Swainson's Thrush 2.05 5271 6694 4 413.2 435.9 Range
184 Townsend's Solitaire 106.59 2662 7423 134 2.6 800.0 Range
185 Townsend's Warbler 32.64 4674 7073 46 29.1 260.5 Range
186 Tree Swallow 43.43 2899 7048 35 29.9 800.0 Range
187 Trumpeter Swan 6.64 4235 6252 13 147.8 411.7 Range
188 Tundra Swan 6.02 4365 4936 5 169.7 297.6 Range
189 Turkey Vulture 749.83 2662 9565 111 0.0 800.0 Range
190 Upland Sandpiper 0.52 4403 4546 3 75.3 86.7 Range
191 Varied Thrush 84.71 3406 7625 71 0.6 297.6 Range
192 Vesper Sparrow 522.53 2662 9565 205 2.3 800.0 Range
193 Violet-green Swallow 324.93 2662 9152 298 0.0 800.0 Range
194 Virginia Rail 8.04 3157 9440 11 116.0 732.8 Range
195 Warbling Vireo 19.70 2673 8114 25 84.9 799.8 Range
196 Western Bluebird 91.17 3473 7625 89 3.4 800.0 Range
197 Western Burrowing Owl 609.46 2662 9530 254 6.8 800.0 Range
198 Western Grebe 19.29 2662 8419 33 80.7 800.0 Range
199 Western Kingbird 603.53 2662 7648 175 0.0 800.0 Range
200 Western Meadowlark 577.37 2662 9565 305 0.0 800.0 Range
201 Western Screech-owl 30.04 3384 7155 59 0.0 800.0 Range
202 Western Scrub-jay 40.65 4365 8023 79 55.4 557.1 Range
203 Western Snowy Plover 1.88 4060 6251 3 238.3 460.2 Range
204 Western Tanager 26.68 3963 7457 39 152.2 707.4 Range
205 Western Wood-pewee 99.78 3377 9443 87 1.7 750.1 Range
206 White-breasted Nuthatch 79.74 3601 7625 42 6.8 262.7 Range
207 White-crowned Sparrow 306.02 2662 9514 168 11.4 800.0 Range
208 White-faced Ibis 22.76 2662 6596 26 96.6 765.5 Range
209 White-headed Woodpecker 16.93 4334 7605 38 167.5 326.1 Range
210 White-throated Swift 504.75 2662 9565 146 0.0 800.0 Range
211 White-winged Crossbill 65.65 4777 7625 30 27.2 314.8 Range
212 Wild Turkey 18.45 3722 7625 22 9.8 337.8 Range
213 Willet 450.36 2843 9565 167 70.2 798.6 Range
214 Williamson's Sapsucker 48.80 4703 7597 34 189.0 263.2 Range
215 Willow Flycatcher 1.41 4871 7359 5 223.8 338.2 Range
216 Wilson's Phalarope 33.12 2662 8119 53 71.3 790.6 Range
217 Wilson's Snipe 5.63 4377 6446 8 25.3 743.8 Range
218 Wilson's Warbler 26.66 4703 7570 16 177.7 259.9 Range
219 Winter Wren 27.58 3722 7567 25 9.6 423.8 Range
220 Wood Duck 7.59 2662 7879 15 38.1 767.6 Range
221 Yellow-breasted Chat 78.15 2806 7903 78 8.6 800.0 Range
222 Yellow-headed Blackbird 3.54 3361 4444 6 151.5 707.9 Range
223 Yellow-rumped Warbler 492.88 2662 9565 194 0.0 800.0 Range
224 Yellow Warbler 19.47 5046 7429 21 174.1 556.5 Range

Mammals - 88
# Name Range
1 American Badger 708.00 2662 9565 169 0.0 800.0 Range
2 American Beaver 7.53 2662 8421 13 94.4 767.6 Range
3 American Black Bear 86.78 3452 7154 31 1.8 217.9 Range
4 American Marten 3.45 4413 6841 4 171.5 188.3 Range
5 American Mink 29.17 3968 9530 30 88.0 778.4 Range
6 American Pika 14.98 4477 8783 39 35.2 557.1 Range
7 American Water Shrew 0.94 6404 6463 1 592.8 593.8 Range
8 Belding's Ground Squirrel 534.84 2662 9564 678 0.0 800.0 Range
9 Big Brown Bat 748.79 2662 9565 118 0.0 800.0 Range
10 Bighorn Sheep 405.44 2662 9565 157 70.9 799.9 Range
11 Black-tailed Jackrabbit 650.04 2662 9565 206 0.0 800.0 Range
12 Bobcat 713.58 2662 9565 138 0.0 800.0 Range
13 Broad-footed Mole 19.47 4461 7625 57 139.4 303.0 Range
14 Bushy-tailed Woodrat 617.48 2662 9565 287 0.0 800.0 Range
15 California Kangaroo Rat 8.98 4691 5266 36 154.6 227.6 Range
16 Californian Myotis 695.22 2662 8067 134 0.0 800.0 Range
17 Canyon Deermouse 424.13 2662 8088 238 0.0 800.0 Range
18 Chisel-toothed Kangaroo Rat 409.90 2662 7451 454 69.2 799.2 Range
19 Coast Mole 28.71 3402 6225 10 0.0 30.7 Range
20 Common Muskrat 5.63 4193 6162 5 155.1 702.2 Range
21 Cougar 77.95 2673 6488 48 0.0 800.0 Range
22 Coyote 747.44 2662 9565 117 0.0 800.0 Range
23 Dark Kangaroo Mouse 162.13 3906 8265 233 106.3 750.0 Range
24 Desert Woodrat 410.47 2662 8704 318 90.8 799.7 Range
25 Douglas's Squirrel 16.45 5234 7605 42 148.8 261.0 Range
26 Dusky-footed Woodrat 47.35 4569 7239 62 172.9 261.0 Range
27 Dusky Shrew 83.01 4024 9565 42 393.4 529.2 Range
28 Elk 399.72 3050 9565 114 0.0 800.0 Range
29 Ermine 151.96 2662 8132 91 0.0 800.0 Range
30 Fringed Myotis 551.44 2662 9565 320 0.0 800.0 Range
31 Golden-mantled Ground Squirrel 165.66 3827 9495 177 12.7 800.0 Range
32 Great Basin Pocket Mouse 599.66 2662 8132 433 0.0 800.0 Range
33 Hoary Bat 462.33 2662 9530 152 0.0 800.0 Range
34 Horse 119.43 2662 9565 78 70.9 799.2 Range
35 Kit Fox 370.44 3157 6780 211 96.3 772.0 Range
36 Least Chipmunk 654.33 2662 9565 232 0.0 800.0 Range
37 Little Brown Myotis 121.45 2662 8988 79 0.0 800.0 Range
38 Little Pocket Mouse 171.59 2662 7080 296 288.7 792.2 Range
39 Long-eared Myotis 393.23 2662 9565 304 0.0 800.0 Range
40 Long-legged Myotis 613.74 2662 9565 290 0.0 800.0 Range
41 Long-tailed Vole 245.18 2662 8982 316 0.3 800.0 Range
42 Long-tailed Weasel 492.20 2760 9530 254 0.2 800.0 Range
43 Merriam's Ground Squirrel 525.48 2662 9565 738 0.0 800.0 Range
44 Merriam's Shrew 629.69 2662 9565 235 31.4 800.0 Range
45 Mexican Free-tailed Bat 133.17 4370 7716 25 170.6 591.1 Range
46 Montane Vole 277.56 2662 9565 325 0.0 800.0 Range
47 Mountain Cottontail 589.50 2662 9565 295 0.0 800.0 Range
48 Mule Deer 739.20 2662 9565 172 0.0 800.0 Range
49 North American Deermouse 750.61 2662 9565 117 0.0 800.0 Range
50 North American Porcupine 707.30 2662 9565 132 0.0 800.0 Range
51 North American River Otter 6.62 3157 9440 7 116.0 732.8 Range
52 Northern Flying Squirrel 20.21 4703 7625 18 179.8 313.9 Range
53 Northern Grasshopper Mouse 534.47 2662 8803 224 49.8 799.6 Range
54 Northern Pocket Gopher 513.55 2662 9565 309 0.0 800.0 Range
55 Ord's Kangaroo Rat 567.83 2662 9565 276 0.0 800.0 Range
56 Pallid Bat 726.08 2662 8132 158 0.0 800.0 Range
57 Pinon Deermouse 251.18 4024 9565 147 147.2 712.5 Range
58 Piute Ground Squirrel 224.47 3310 8132 228 416.0 730.3 Range
59 Preble's Shrew 581.16 2662 9469 396 6.4 800.0 Range
60 Pronghorn 619.81 2662 9565 294 0.0 800.0 Range
61 Pygmy Rabbit 369.60 3976 8031 386 13.3 800.0 Range
62 Raccoon 641.13 2662 9565 160 0.0 800.0 Range
63 Red Fox 147.92 2662 9565 48 7.0 800.0 Range
64 Sagebrush Vole 404.83 3157 9565 430 0.0 800.0 Range
65 Silver-haired Bat 142.66 2818 8911 92 0.0 800.0 Range
66 Snowshoe Hare 6.56 5464 6961 8 199.0 253.2 Range
67 Southern Red-backed Vole 0.16 2800 2832 1 768.0 768.2 Range
68 Spotted Bat 340.80 2662 9565 277 229.4 800.0 Range
69 Striped Skunk 721.57 2662 9377 134 0.0 800.0 Range
70 Townsend's Big-eared Bat 659.37 2662 9565 187 0.0 800.0 Range
71 Townsend's Pocket Gopher 75.18 2662 4961 101 418.0 799.6 Range
72 Townsend's Western Big-eared Bat 754.41 2662 9565 171 0.0 800.0 Range
73 Trowbridge's Shrew 16.08 4978 7471 46 182.9 261.0 Range
74 Vagrant Shrew 366.52 2662 9565 334 0.0 800.0 Range
75 Western Harvest Mouse 244.74 2662 8068 264 0.0 800.0 Range
76 Western Heather Vole 8.03 4680 6525 6 175.8 187.5 Range
77 Western Jumping Mouse 16.35 4052 8031 34 93.8 773.8 Range
78 Western Pipistrelle 657.33 2662 7773 188 0.0 800.0 Range
79 Western Small-footed Myotis 167.51 2662 9458 201 0.0 800.0 Range
80 Western Spotted Skunk 696.98 2662 9129 200 0.0 800.0 Range
81 White-tailed Antelope Squirrel 417.14 2662 7938 306 229.4 799.7 Range
82 White-tailed Jackrabbit 660.01 2662 9565 190 0.0 800.0 Range
83 Wild Boar 18.52 3402 6462 18 0.0 440.1 Range
84 Wyoming Ground Squirrel 55.49 3946 6481 143 587.5 681.5 Range
85 Wyoming Ground Squirrel 57.05 3954 6488 50 588.0 680.7 Range
86 Yellow-bellied Marmot 563.19 3695 9565 274 12.8 800.0 Range
87 Yellow-pine Chipmunk 142.70 2679 8069 118 0.0 800.0 Range
88 Yuma Myotis 736.98 2662 9530 146 0.0 800.0 Range

Reptiles - 19
# Name Range
1 Common Gartersnake 139.89 2662 7472 150 3.1 800.0 Range
2 Common Sagebrush Lizard 720.03 2662 8132 159 0.0 800.0 Range
3 Common Side-blotched Lizard 473.49 2662 6991 238 0.0 800.0 Range
4 Desert Horned Lizard 377.32 2662 9565 399 69.3 799.6 Range
5 Desert Nightsnake 654.24 2662 8032 261 0.0 800.0 Range
6 Gophersnake 641.83 2662 9565 215 0.0 800.0 Range
7 Great Basin Collared Lizard 142.08 2662 5217 169 276.3 799.3 Range
8 Long-nosed Leopard Lizard 278.70 2662 7192 322 69.9 799.8 Range
9 North American Racer 574.25 2662 7092 135 0.0 800.0 Range
10 Northern Alligator Lizard 26.96 4333 7563 70 149.0 356.9 Range
11 Northern Rubber Boa 635.49 2662 9565 307 0.0 800.0 Range
12 Pygmy Short-horned Lizard 512.97 2662 6991 332 0.0 800.0 Range
13 Striped Whipsnake 532.66 2662 7609 283 0.0 800.0 Range
14 Terrestrial Gartersnake 607.89 2662 9562 342 0.2 800.0 Range
15 Tiger Whiptail 222.77 2662 7609 154 289.4 797.4 Range
16 Western Fence Lizard 657.42 2662 9565 295 0.0 800.0 Range
17 Western Groundsnake 53.90 2662 4794 53 718.0 799.7 Range
18 Western Rattlesnake 739.37 2662 9565 179 0.0 800.0 Range
19 Western Skink 184.02 3473 8137 227 3.4 800.0 Range

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