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Tyler "Ghost"
City: Morgantown
State: WV
Country: United States
Begins: Apr 15, 2017
Direction: Northbound
Daily Summary
Date: Fri, Apr 21st, 2017
Start: Greenbrier River bank
End: Rte 250 somewhere
Daily Distance: 0
Trip Distance: 132.6
Journal Stats
Entry Visits: 647
Journal Visits: 1,601
Guestbook Views: 24
Guestbook Entrys: 2
Day 7
Well today turned out to be a defeating day. Woke up to pouring rain which continued all day and decided to call the trip for now. My plan of hiking 25+mi days just isnt possible on this trail without doing constant 14-15hr days. My average pace is about 1.5-2mph at the fastest due to the insane climbs and descents and the difficult to follow trail. Tons of blowdowns and over grown sections just add to the frustration. Not to mention the rain is causing my feet to deteriorate at an alarming rate. Boots are absolutely a necessity on this trail in my opinion. I had my friend pick me up on top of Cheat Mountain on Rte 250 and we went back to his place to recover. Going to head home tomorrow and regroup and hopefully finish the other half of the trail at a later date with appropriate footwear. The remaining half is closer to my hometown so I think a series of shorter trips and even dayhikes will be sufficient to finish it up. Went into the trail blind with regard to the conditions of the trail, but I'll know better for the second half.
-Ghost's- Journal
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