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City: Inwood
State: Wv
Country: USA
Begins: Feb 22, 2012
Direction: Northbound
Daily Summary
Date: Sun, Feb 26th, 2012
Start: Weverton
End: Ed Garvey Shelter
Daily Distance: 3
Trip Distance: 9.0
People Met: 0
Journal Stats
Entry Visits: 1,323
Journal Visits: 1,587
Guestbook Views: 74
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Ed Garvey Shelter overnight
Mail man came!! Ive become quite the stalker due my gear craze. This weeks addition was some custom made down quilts to suit my hammock. "Stormcrow", they call him, from set me up with top and bottom quilts to my size specs. Whats that mean....? Overnight!!! Yep this would be another first for me and the pup. So I packed up our gear and set out to Weverton where we'd begin our trek....incomplete.
One Step At A Time
If your lucky enough to be outdoors, your lucky enough.
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