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City: Greene
State: Maine
Country: USA
Begins: Mar 15, 2010
Direction: Northbound
Daily Summary
Date: Sun, Sep 26th, 2010
Start: Katahdin Stream Campground 7:45am
End: Baxter Peak 12:45pm
Daily Distance: 5.2
Trip Distance: 1,018.2
Journal Stats
Entry Visits: 1,766
Journal Visits: 19,506
Guestbook Views: 1,400
Guestbook Entrys: 77
6 Months and 10 days
We did it! We climbed Katahdin today with some friends and family. We started out in the fog and mist but by the works of something greater the clouds parted and sunshine warmed my smile as I approached the summit. I embraced the summit sign and tears rolled down my face. I did it, I really did it, I thought to myself unable to speak for a few tears would quickly turn into an uncontrollable wave of emotions. It didn't and has yet to quite set in. I'm still trying to wrap my head around it. So much as happened, the people, the places, the growth from within and with Toothpick. It will take a bit to decompress.
Little Aspen's AT Adventures
The Appalachian Trail (A.T.) is more than 2,175-mile long footpath stretching through 14 eastern states from Maine to Georgia. Conceived in 1921 and first completed in 1937, it traverses the wild, scenic, wooded, pastoral, and culturally significant lands of the Appalachian Mountains. Learn more:
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