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City: Jennings
State: FL
Begins: Jan 2, 2013
Direction: Northbound
Daily Summary
Date: Fri, Aug 17th, 2012
Daily Distance: 0
Journal Stats
Entry Visits: 2,067
Journal Visits: 2,067
Guestbook Views: 88
Guestbook Entrys: 1
The Begining
Well I am in the planning stages for a very late 2012-2013 thru hike. I am currently employed under a Specter Grant which runs out after my next 10 week class so I will be unemployed yet again. So feeling kinda down about all this and in need of something to look forward to I am going to hike the AT. I have some limited experience through the military but other than that this will be my first long distance through hike. I am a 47 yr old man that has smoked for more than 30 years, not in the best of shape but I am not 50lbs over weight either. I have been reading the journals here on and on the TJ site for almost 8 months and the bug has been bitting. I have been reading about gear and made some purchases and one test run so far (that didnt go so well). I will be going with gear that I have for the most part, I have made some changes to my original gear but for the most part sticking with what I have since $ $ may be an issue.
Here is what I have so far:
Coleman XL65 Pack (heavy, not alot of room, plan on doing some modifying)
Coleman Traverse 0-20 mummy bag (about 5lbs)
Intially had a Ozark 2 man tent but upgraded to a Hennesy Hammock zipper Exp with large rain fly (may go back to original size rain fly for weight but am concerned with weather)
Was originally going to use Coleman rain gear but upgraded to Goretex Rain gear Top and bottom (military Issue Camo)
Was researching Alcohol stoves but decided on a Kelly Kettle Scout 42oz capacity 1.6lbs, (tested it works fine for boiling water, Cooking is a bit more of a challange may upgrade to a BioLite stove)
3/4" blue mat cut to size and lined with a winshield blocker
I purchased the Topo Maps (they dont have alot of info on them and the mileage doesnt match up with the AT Thru hikers companion, in fact its 9 miles off)
iPod 32g loaded with the Topo Map app, the maps are great on this app but transfering the info from the AT companian to the app via map pins, it doesnt remain the same when you open the app a second time, they seem to move off the trail but it still a workable app.
Enegizer Head lamp 3AAA with red light
GSI Outdoors silicone coffee filter
130 Foot 550 Para cord
2-2ltr Outdoor brand water bladders
Black Crystal Gaiters
Goretex Matterhorn boots (Had them while I was in the Army, very warm, Durable, and waterproof, and heavy)
Celsius knitted cap
Speedfit leather palmed gloves for normal weather, Celsius Neoprene gloves (Cold weather gear)
Home made trecking poles (1/1 pressure treated with a metal spike inserted in the bottom) Complete with duck tape wrapped
outdoor brand waterproof bag
I have a set of inner liners for the goretex, (similar to a field jacket liner) very cold weather gear but am debating if I will need them.
Fiskar plastic trowel
I had been planning 5 day resupply points but have had to recaulculate due to weight tests. So will be doing 3 day whenever possable. My mileage planning is for about 8-9 miles a day to start off with since I have been in florida for some time and will need to build up my legs for climbing hills with a pack. My hope is that I can slowly increase the miles after the 1st month and just camp anywhere I can. Which BTW is the primary reason I switched to a hammock. Well thats it for now, Take care and be safe out there.
Appalachian Trail - 2013
The Appalachian Trail (A.T.) is more than 2,175-mile long footpath stretching through 14 eastern states from Maine to Georgia. Conceived in 1921 and first completed in 1937, it traverses the wild, scenic, wooded, pastoral, and culturally significant lands of the Appalachian Mountains. Learn more:
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