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Brad "" Franke
City: Carmichael
State: California
Country: USA
Begins: Apr 4, 2015
Direction: Northbound
Daily Summary
Date: Wed, Sep 10th, 2014
Journal Stats
Entry Visits: 3,266
Journal Visits: 7,380
Guestbook Views: 1,220
Guestbook Entrys: 2
Base weight
Today I loaded my pack for an upcoming 100 mile hike... 17.5 lb. base weight with everything I plan on starting the PCT with gear wise. Still fine tuning clothing options but should closely approximate what I will be taking. I know that I can cut a few more ounces up to a pound here and there, but not a drastic worry. Excited to be going from bike riding to the actual hiking part of my training! Something about being on the trail...the smells, the sights, my feet on dirt....all so comforting and relaxing. I know that sounds a bit weird to some, but being on trail is truly a comfortable and stress free experience for me. A place that feels like home...peaceful. Once I hit a trail I's one heck of a good feeling! This will be my first hike with most of my new gear, so kind of a shake out trip. I will let you know how it all works out.
Brad's 2015 PCT Hike
Thanks for walking with me,
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