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Cloud - Pacific Crest Trail Journal - 2010

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City: Rockland
State: MA
Country: United States
Begins: Apr 28, 2010
Direction: Northbound

Daily Summary
Date: Mon, Nov 2nd, 2009

Journal Stats
Entry Visits: 1,302
Journal Visits: 2,282
Guestbook Views: 71
Guestbook Entrys: 2

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Pacific Crest Trail Map

Moving to Arizona?

Out of the several places I applied for employment out west, I finally got a response. This one was from the American Conservation Experience located in Flagstaff, Arizona. They want me to write an essay about why I should be picked and a phone interview. I'm not getting my hopes up but I am still extremely excited about this. With the past three days spent bed ridden due to Lyme Disease and no medical insurance due to a lack of income to afford it, this is such a good uplift even if it doesn't work out. A confidence booster you could say. I'll spend the night tonight brainstorming for the essay and then early tomorrow morning I'll write it and send it off with my fingers crossed. An opportunity like this could be amazing for me. Having to come back to my parents house after the Appalachian Trail has been anything but motivational. Spending the winter in Arizona would give me the boost in motivation that I need, I get goosebumps even just thinking about getting not only getting out of this house but having employment in an organization doing something that I love, while at the same time making money for what now is the only reason I exist, thru hiking.

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Cloud's Western Adventure

God, how the wild calls to me.
There can be no other life for me but that of the lone wanderer.
It has an irresistible fascination.
The lone trail is the best for me.


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