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City: Fairbanks
State: Alaska
Begins: Mar 1, 2012
Direction: Northbound
Daily Summary
Date: Sun, Feb 5th, 2012
Start: Fairbanks
Journal Stats
Entry Visits: 14,404
Journal Visits: 93,690
Guestbook Views: 7,598
Guestbook Entrys: 83
Planning for a Desert Trail Thru-Hike
My plans for hiking the Desert Trail this year are coming together nicely. The Desert Trail is a 1,500+ mile route from Mexico to east central Oregon. I hope to continue the hike all the way to Canada for a total distance of about 2,200 miles. See the following links for more information.
Please watch for updates and sign my guestbook if you like.
My Hike Plan
Trail Map
Gear List
Have a great day!
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