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City: Fairbanks
State: Alaska
Begins: Mar 24, 2016
Direction: Westbound
Daily Summary
Date: Fri, Mar 18th, 2016
Start: Fairbanks, Alaska
Journal Stats
Entry Visits: 2,788
Journal Visits: 4,784
Guestbook Views: 35
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Fairbanks Sunrise
Lewis and Clark Trail: Planning and Packing
This year I hope to follow the Lewis and Clark Trail from the Mississippi River to the Pacific.
I have a standby ticket for March 24, less than a week. It's exciting!
My gear lists are complete, two separate lists, one for the hiking portion and one for the kayaking segments.
These last days I will be taking care of the myriad details of leaving home for several months: suspending pickup insurance, forwarding mail, arranging for someone to keep an eye on my cabin, preparing a box of kayaking gear to ship to Yankton, labeling gear for a friend to ship on a "if I need it" basis.
Each day I've been walking four or five miles to get my feet in shape. Feet can be a big issue, especially early in a hike. I'll do low mileage once I start until my feet have adapted.
I chose the trail name "Colter" years ago when I set out on the Appalachian Trail. Now I hope to follow in the footsteps of my inspiration, John Colter, who embarked on his great adventure with Lewis and Clark 212 years ago.
You can see a map of the Lewis and Clark Trail, and learn more about my adventure, here.
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