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Meredith "Skinny D" Ishida
City: Houston
State: Texas
Begins: Apr 26, 2011
Direction: Northbound
Daily Summary
Date: Tue, Jan 25th, 2011
Journal Stats
Entry Visits: 4,197
Journal Visits: 61,530
Guestbook Views: 2,075
Guestbook Entrys: 30
You gotta start somewhere!
It's really happening. I've filled out my permit application and my request to enter Canada. The tendonitis in my foot is 95 % healed. I have most of my gear and my resupply plan is complete, though still undergoing constant revision. I've used up four ink cartridges printing out some beautiful maps (thanks, Halfmile!) and spent dozens, perhaps hundreds of hours happily and intensely researching this trail, dreaming about the summer.
Pacific Crest Trail - 2011
"So in search of love and laughter, I'll be traveling cross this land
Never sure of where I'm going, for I haven't any plan,
So in time when you are ready, come and join me, take my hand,
And together we'll spend life out on the loose."
from On The Loose, Author unknown
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