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Ellen S - Pacific Crest Trail Journal - 2015

Entry 12 of 12
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No Butt
State: AZ
Country: US
Begins: Aug 15, 2015
Direction: Northbound

Daily Summary
Date: Mon, Sep 7th, 2015
Trip Distance: 99.0

Journal Stats
Entry Visits: 2,236
Journal Visits: 6,709
Guestbook Views: 314
Guestbook Entrys: 4

Pacific Crest Trail Map

The journey of a section hiker

We learned a new term this year when we met the hikers at the Canadian border: MYTH or multi year trail hiker. I like it, because it quickly describes what we have done and gives us an air of mystery!
I went back and added up all the miles we have hiked on the PCT since we started this journey. If I include the Sierras (which we have done several times for fun)(I only included that mileage once), we have hiked 2798 miles! Why so much? Detours (fire, resupply, other closures) account for some. Sometimes, we repeated an area to hike 'true' trail miles. For example, in 2010, we hiked a recommended alternative in the San Jacintos, because we felt the snow was more than we could handle. The next year, we went back and hiked the actual trail, so we logged extra miles. We hiked an alternate route at Baden Powell, then did the summit twice to hike the actual trail at a later date.
Anyway, it was amazing how much mileage, time, dedication, we have put in. I wouldn't have missed a minute of it!

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Yeah But & No Butt PCT Days

No Butt and Yeahbut


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