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No Butt
State: AZ
Country: US
Begins: Mar 10, 2019
Direction: Northbound
Daily Summary
Date: Thu, Jul 18th, 2019
Trip Distance: 756.7
Journal Stats
Entry Visits: 563
Journal Visits: 6,124
Guestbook Views: 85
Guestbook Entrys: 7
Final Thoughts
This was the fourth time we travelled this trail. The observant reader will notice that we skipped around a bit, and even avoided some parts. Some we did deliberately. Since we live in Tucson, we have hiked a bunch in the Catalinas, so felt no desire to climb the ridge above Romero Pass. We missed a few miles when we bailed out of the Babbitt Ranch; all my fault, as if I had paid more attention to staying dry, I would have stayed warmer and been able to continue hiking despite the cold rain. As it was, my hat wicked water inside my rain gear and I got quite cold. We did what seemed safest and prudent at the time, and bailed out. We intended to return, but found the roads impassable when we tried. Such are the stories that make a hike memorable!
Larry's And Ellen's AZT
No Butt and Yeah But
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