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Ellen S - Pacific Crest Trail Journal - 2010

Entry 93 of 93
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Elderly Ellen
State: AZ
Country: US
Begins: Apr 20, 2010
Direction: Northbound

Daily Summary
Date: Thu, Oct 21st, 2010
Trip Distance: 1,073.2

Journal Stats
Entry Visits: 4,104
Journal Visits: 76,823
Guestbook Views: 6,479
Guestbook Entrys: 120

Gear list Journal Plan

Pacific Crest Trail Map

The photos are coming!

To anyone who has been patiently waiting, Yeahbut is finished tweaking his photos. I'm posting them to the journal as time allows. This will also take some time, but hopefully will make it possible for readers to enjoy our trail experiences more. And I get to live the trail time again by re-reading the entries and matching the photos to them...

Yeahbut's knee is still not right, but does seem somewhat better. He's able to do some low mileage exercise.

Funny thing, I still think about the trail every day. My life goes on...I'm working, involved in other activities, but a part of me still longs to be back out there.

Entry 93 of 93
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Journal Photo

Pacific Crest Trail - 2010

Elderly Ellen and YeahBut
'The miracle isn't that I finished, the miracle is that I had the courage to start.' John (the Penguin) Bingham


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