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Elderly Ellen
State: AZ
Country: US
Begins: May 20, 2011
Direction: Northbound
Daily Summary
Date: Wed, Apr 18th, 2012
Trip Distance: 382.4
Journal Stats
Entry Visits: 3,227
Journal Visits: 28,787
Guestbook Views: 2,044
Guestbook Entrys: 21
View: 1
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Final Photos and Thoughts
I'm putting the final photos from this hike in this journal today. It's a slow process, deciding which of the many photos Yeahbut takes to include and them loading them onto the journal. And there is of course alot of time spent by him editting the photos to make them look the way he remembers a place. Hope anyone who views this journal enjoys them. I know they will bring us many wonderful memories.
I've added on in this entry a couple of photos that didn't seem to fit elsewhere, taken near Lone Pine, Ca.
And for us...we have many more trail miles to look forward to!
Pacific Crest Trail - 2011
Elderly Ellen and YeahBut
'The miracle isn't that I finished, the miracle is that I had the courage to start.' John (the Penguin) Bingham
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