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Clark Kent
City: Los Angeles
State: California
Country: USA
Begins: Apr 22, 2011
Direction: Northbound
Daily Summary
Date: Sun, Aug 14th, 2011
Trip Distance: 1,015.0
Journal Stats
Entry Visits: 3,076
Journal Visits: 42,183
Guestbook Views: 3,439
Guestbook Entrys: 55
Gear list
Pacific Crest Trail Map
It was an anticlimactic end to an amazing trip. Unfortunately it was often clouded in my mind by pain, but I enjoyed the wilderness (the mountains more than the desert). I loved sleeping under the stars. I learned so much more about backpacking on this trip, knowledge I will hopefully have the opportunity to put to use in finishing what I started. Mostly, what I think I will remember are the people.
I owe the pleasure of this trip and a big "Thank You!" to so many people:
Melissa, Claire and Ellie, for their constant support on the trail and at home.
Julian, for his constant friendship and the use of his high-end printer to print Halfmile's maps.
Halfmile, for the Herculean effort he made in creating the maps and notes and waypoints for the entire trail and then making the available to us for free.
My partners at Meridian and Arca for letting me go and do this crazy adventure.
Mom & Dad, for handling some of my resupply logistics, babysitting my car, providing support, and for picking me up unexpectedly at the hike's premature end. My Grandpa Roy and Grandpa Miller, for helping me get back on the trail after a two week hiatus.
The unsung heros who stocked all the water caches along the trail, Scissors Crossing, Third Gate, Kelso Valley Road, Hiker Oasis, Big Bear Hostel Cache, and Cache 22 on the Hat Creek Rim.
All the people who gave me a ride, whether I was hitching or yogiing, they made the difference in getting to and from the trail and for resupplies. Ken Peterson who drove me to the Kickoff Party from Warner Springs and Shrek the Trail Ogre who drove me back. Paul, for a drive into Anza and recommendations for dinner. Wayne who drove me back to Paradise Cafe. Althea and her coyote dog for the ride into Big Bear. Tom and his wolf dogs for a ride back to the trail from Big Bear. John Mills for a ride to Tehachapi and then to the grocery store. Virgo for a ride to Lake Isabella when I really needed to rest my ankle. Sexy Taxi for a ride from Kearsearge Onion Valley Trailhead to Independence and Erika for a ride from there to Bishop. The couple in old Winnebago who gave us a ride into Chester.
All the amazing trail angels and trail magic, wow! You are all so great! The Mesa Wind Farm, thanks for the chicken pot pie. Hiker Heaven, who made it possible for me to get to the ICU to visit Claire. Joe and Terri Anderson and Casa De Luna, there's a reason no one ever wants to leave. Hiker Town, thanks for an unexpected birthday celebration and the opportunity to give back. Meadow Ed, Yogi, Virgo and Okie Girl for the trail magic at Walker Pass. Tom and his trailers at Kennedy Meadows. Dr. Soles, without whom my hike would have ended much earlier. Uberbith, Bristlecone, Shake-n-Bake and Sexy Taxi for the trail magic at Onion Valley Trailhead-Kearsarge. Terry & Nancy Williams for the amazing and most delightful stay at their cabin at Bucks Lake. Laurie & Brenda Braaten for the rescue from the rave in Belden. All the staff at Drakesbad, who gave me a fabulous spa day when I needed it most.
Finally, to all those that I hiked with and met on the trail, my fellow PCT hikers. I couldn't have done it without you. There are far too many to name, but I have to mention a few. Marcel and Patrick, thanks for a great start on the trail. Elad, Ashur, Brandon, and Crazy K, it was fun hiking with you guys. Cup-A-Joe, you are one of those people that everyone likes and I'm no exception. Hiking with you was always a pleasure. I'm glad you got stuck in the vortex at the Andersons, it gave me the chance to catch up and get to hike with you again. Dr. Phil, the railroad hat made you unmistakable on the trail. Stumbling Goat and Thumper, I followed those pole tracks for hundreds of miles. Eden and Kristen, thanks for my trailname. Thomas, I loved hiking with you and hope I get to hike with you again. Maybe you'll want some company when you do the High Sierra section? Kilroy, Chilly Willy and Silent Joe, through the snow and ice and the dangerous fords, thank you for your companionship through some of the most rigourously challenging portions of the hike and for taking pity on me when my ankle forced me to fade at the end of the day.
Thank you to all of you.
- "Clark Kent"
Do it. Do it right. Do it now. Don't wait!