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Jellybean - Continental Divide Trail Journal - 2014

Entry 29 of 29
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City: North Pole
State: AK
Country: USA
Begins: May 29, 2014
Direction: Northbound

Daily Summary
Date: Tue, Jun 24th, 2014
Trip Distance: 414.3

Journal Stats
Entry Visits: 2,075
Journal Visits: 10,565
Guestbook Views: 517
Guestbook Entrys: 4

Continental Divide Trail Map

(Click image for full size)

Outhere takes me on a tour of Colorado

Elwood Pass


So that's it for this year on the CDT. I will pick up next year at South Pass and head for Canada next summer. Hopefully to finish Wyoming and Montana in one big section. Outhere and I rode our motorcycles up to Elwood Pass and ate a delicious Bertha Burger in Platoro. Beautiful mountains, waterfalls, green catapillar free Aspen trees. Colorado is simply georgous. Just a hint of snow left. I was flying down the dirt roads dodging elk and eating dust, but what a feeling!

Outhere made a movie of our NM hike that is really inspiring! We watched the first showing and ate Klondike bars before I headed home to Phoenix. I already miss our Black Banana Band

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Jellybean's CDT Journal Part 3



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