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City: North Pole
State: AK
Country: USA
Begins: Jun 16, 2015
Direction: Northbound
Daily Summary
Date: Tue, May 10th, 2016
Start: Puerto Montt, Chile
End: Cape Town, South Africa
Daily Distance: 0
Trip Distance: 337.0
Journal Stats
Entry Visits: 1,623
Journal Visits: 13,597
Guestbook Views: 617
Guestbook Entrys: 3
What happened?
I sincerely apologize for not wrapping up this journal last year. I lost my best friend and life partner to a sudden heart attack. I tried to finish up the trail but my heart was no longer on the trail. I went back to the sea to spend the winter. I flew to Puerto Montt, Chile and joined as crew on a 50' Schooner. We sailed all through Patagonia to Puerto Williams. Spent a month refitting in Ushuaia and then sailed across the Drake passage to Antarctica. From there, to South Georgia, where I joined a 45' Cutter to Cape Town, South Africa. I am on my way back now by plane to finish this trail once and for all. See the CDT 2016 trail journal for the final leg. Thanks for hanging in there!
Jellybean's CDT Journal Part 4
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