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City: North Pole
State: AK
Country: USA
Begins: Jun 7, 2016
Direction: Northbound
Daily Summary
Date: Thu, Aug 4th, 2016
Start: Many Glacier
End: Chief Mountain
Daily Distance: 20
Trip Distance: 953.7
Journal Stats
Entry Visits: 2,410
Journal Visits: 17,968
Guestbook Views: 169
Guestbook Entrys: 6
Triple Crown for Smurf
Canada! One last day on the CDT and it is amazing. We got going early to catch the shuttle. Gorgeous climb up thru the Ptarmigan Pass Tunnel and down the Belly River. A bull moose came out on the creek behind Smurf as we were taking a break. Probably only 20 feet away. He watched us but then started to graze on the trees. Finally he walked away. Then a couple whitetail deer accompanied us up the trail a ways. We took photos on Smurf’s phone at the border and quickly got a hitch to East Glacier for a celebratory Huckleberry milkshake and dinner at the lodge. We will stay here tonight and try to hitch back to Smurf’s car in West Yellowstone tomorrow.
Jellybean's CDT Journal Part 5
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