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City: North Pole
State: AK
Country: USA
Begins: Feb 23, 2011
Direction: Eastbound
Daily Summary
Date: Tue, Apr 26th, 2011
Start: Phoenix, AZ
End: Phoenix, AZ
Daily Distance: 0
Trip Distance: 767.1
Journal Stats
Entry Visits: 3,091
Journal Visits: 25,021
Guestbook Views: 1,068
Guestbook Entrys: 26
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Jellybean and Tahoe, Diamondbacks Game
Home Sweet Home
So... you want to was it? It was unbelievable! Unbelievably cold! unbelievably slow going! unbelievable amounts of cow pies and stickers! Disgusting water sources, steep rocky bushwacks, unbelievably small, I mean really small, trail towns! and yet...
I am glad I did it! It helped tremendously that I had an amazing hiking partner who never once said, "Let's quit!" We stuck it out! I lost the weight I wanted, I feel good, and I am once again marveling at the convenience of modern life! Hot showers, indoor plumbing, light switches (you can't turn off the moon!), and, email, internet...
The truly best part of the trail, any trail, though is the people I met and the experiences that I will remember for a lifetime! I would write more now, except, the PCT kick off is tomorrow and I need to get ready to go see some of those special people that are so important to me. So, would I recommend this trail? Sure, if you run out of all the other trails on your bucket list, then by all means, hike this one too! but just be sure to know what you are getting into when you start out and pick a great hiking partner!
Jellybean's GET Journal
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