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Lion Heart and Ginonatt
City: Ukiah
State: Ca
Begins: Apr 20, 2009
Direction: Northbound
Daily Summary
Date: Mon, Sep 1st, 2008
Journal Stats
Entry Visits: 12,644
Journal Visits: 180,204
Guestbook Views: 18,979
Guestbook Entrys: 242
Gear list Journal Plan Training
Pacific Crest Trail Map
View: 1
(Click image for full size)
Hiking in the Arcata Community Forest
WELCOME family and friends to the journal site for team JenEric. This is where we will document our little hike from Mexico to Canada. We plan to post to this journal site via our Blackberry as often as we can.
To check out the gear that we're carrying on the trail, click on the GEARLIST link in the bottom of the box to the left. We've collected our gear over the past year and have whittled down the weight of our packs (before food and water).
To view our itinerary for the trail, click on the PLANNER link in the bottom of the box to the left. The itinerary is tentative and lists our resupply locations. At each resupply we will be picking up a box of supplies, most of which will be food. Although we are planning most of our food, we are leaving a little room for variety by planning to buy a few groceries when we go into towns.
To follow the map of the PCT click on the PACIFIC CREST TRAIL MAP link in the bottom of the box to the left.
To view pictures such as the ones posted with this journal, simply click on the picture for a larger view. Above the larger view of the photograph are thumbnails of other photos. Click on the thumbnail for a larger view or each photo.
The best way to correspond with us while on the trail is to leave a message for us in our GUESTBOOK. The link is in the top of the box to the left. We will check these messages and reply to your comments and questions.
You can view different journals by selecting the date in the upper right hand corner of the journal or by clikcing First, Previous, Next, Last in the upper left hand corner of the journal.
Make sure you CHECK BACK FREQUENTLY to see if we've been bitten by snakes, if our tarp tent has blown away, or bears have caught a whiff of Eric's tuna packets. (Don't worry, we're just joking........or are we?) Thank you family and friends for all your support! We could not do this without you! Eric will also be keeping a naturist
blog along the way. Naturism is a way of life that promotes body acceptance through nude recreation, as well as living in harmony with our environment. From Eric's blog "This blog is here to inspire, educate, and welcome folks into the world of crazy Eric traditions! Topics will be philosophical, personal, naturist, nudist, environmentalist, timber industryist, health and nutrition, backpacking, beer brewing, sustainable living, honest relationships and more!". Enjoy!
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The Pacific Crest Trail (PCT) is a 2,650-mile national scenic trail that runs from Mexico to Canada through California, Oregon and Washington. The PCT traverses 24 national forests, 37 wilderness areas and 7 national parks. The PCT passes through 6 out of 7 of North Americas ecozones. Learn more: www.pcta.org