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Livetough - Continental Divide Trail Journal - 2013

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State: USA
Begins: Apr 10, 2013
Direction: Eastbound

Daily Summary
Date: Mon, Apr 1st, 2013
Start: Columbus
End: Canada

Journal Stats
Entry Visits: 1,420
Journal Visits: 3,450
Guestbook Views: 187
Guestbook Entrys: 1

Continental Divide Trail Map

(Click image for full size)


Hiking with Style CDT 2013

CDT 2013

I have decided to hike the Continental Divide Trail. I have battled to get to this place... but I am buying a ticket to Deming, NM. I EXPECT the CDT to be the most rewarding experience that I imagine it to be. I need to be out there.... In the wilderness.. to claim the land as my own this year.. I would intend to conquer the inner man that I am victorious against. The choices will be made and then followed thru. I would like to hike the official route as much as possible after I reconnect to that place on NM 36 or 30j in the Ley Maps where the Columbus route merges with the official route... the Gila river route does sound awesome though. It will be an opportunity in my life to learn to be fully confident in my decisions with many routes and alternates available. That is good to have choices. I want to improve my tracking skills. I believe that few will actually be on the trail so the prints will have more chance to not be stopped by countless hikers.. I like that. Tracking has always helped me to get back to found again. I would like to have a GPS as a backup tool and use the maps for all they can do. I intend to master the compass and scales on the map along with the UMT grid to keep good record of my location. I believe that this skill will come to me like a natural. I am excited to be out on the trail again after a rough re entry into city life will be good to have dirt under my feet and tromp to my hearts bliss… it shall be grand..

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CDT Hiking With STYLE 2013



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