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City: Olympia
State: Washington
Country: US
Begins: Apr 25, 2008
Direction: Northbound
Daily Summary
Date: Sat, Mar 28th, 2009
Trip Distance: 454.0
Journal Stats
Entry Visits: 1,954
Journal Visits: 38,343
Guestbook Views: 2,039
Guestbook Entrys: 22
Okay, been distracted lately. Thing is I was offered a pretty good job and in todays economy I didn't feel to inclined to turn it down so I could hike for two months. Reality Bites! For the longest time I didn't think I was going to get to hike this year at all. But my employer has been, I think, pretty generous. Their going to let me off for about nine days in mid-May. Wahoo! The plan is to hike Section E. I'll pick up the trail where I left off last year at the Saufley's in Agua Dulce, CA and hike to either Tehachapi or Mojave, C, which ever one strikes my fancy.
Magi's Continuing Adventures On The Pacific Crest Trail
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