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City: Taylorville
State: Illinois
Country: USA
Begins: Oct 16, 2008
Direction: Westbound
Daily Summary
Date: Wed, Nov 4th, 2009
Trip Distance: 40.1
Journal Stats
Entry Visits: 3,078
Journal Visits: 21,285
Guestbook Views: 1,218
Guestbook Entrys: 10
More Trouble With My Shin Splint
I arrived in Morinci yesterday with the intent of taking a day off and resting my leg, which as ypu know if you've been following me has been a bane since August has started making itself known again. I have made the tough decision to give up hiking for the winter, thereby giving my leg a longer chance to heal without doing further damage to it. My only challenge now is to find a ride to Willcox which is the closest bus stop, from there to Tucson to catch Amtrak.
Hiking The Grand Enchantment Trail
The Mountains Call and I Must Answer!!!
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