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Richard "Rowboat" Jones
City: Salt Lake City
State: Utah
Country: USA
Begins: Jul 31, 2012
Direction: Northbound
Daily Summary
Date: Wed, Jul 25th, 2012
Trip Distance: 28.0
Journal Stats
Entry Visits: 2,988
Journal Visits: 9,325
Guestbook Views: 540
Guestbook Entrys: 6
Sierra Bound in August
Not being able to start and complete the PCT this year, but wanting to take advantage of time available for section hiking, I will hike the Sierras, starting from Kennedy Meadows South and go NoBo to Donner Pass on I-80. Trip starts on August 8th and I expect to take 3 weeks to complete the journey.
Rowboat's Pacific Crest Trail Adventure
The Pacific Crest Trail (PCT) is a 2,650-mile national scenic trail that runs from Mexico to Canada through California, Oregon and Washington. The PCT traverses 24 national forests, 37 wilderness areas and 7 national parks. The PCT passes through 6 out of 7 of North Americas ecozones.
If you are prepared, you need not fear.
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