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City: Selah
State: Washington
Country: USA
Begins: Jul 5, 2017
Direction: Northbound
Daily Summary
Date: Fri, Aug 4th, 2017
Start: Mile 2183.2
End: Crest Horse Camp
Daily Distance: 12.2
Trip Distance: 403.2
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PCT Completed
When I make it to Crest Horse Camp I will have completed doing all of the PCT. All I have to do, it go about 12.2 miles.
I packed up my gear, and tried eating a Cliff Bar. I was only able to eat about ½ the bar, even washing it down with water. At least it is cooler, but I am sure it will be hot again.
The trail went up, but I didn’t feel too bad. I got to the place I had originally thought I would camp at, and I am glad I stopped where I did. Too much undergrowth to find a place to camp. I stopped a few times to rest, but kept heading on toward the next spring, which was at mile 2190.5. This spring was over the trail a little ways. I am glad I asked one of the southbound hikers about where the spring was because it took a little searching. The guy I talked to said, just go to the campsite (there are actually several), and follow the little trail. I went to the campsite and started following the little trail, which was the wrong trail I realized after going 150 feet or so. I went back to the campsite and discovered another trail the lead right down a short ways to the spring. Was not a lot of flow, but sufficient to keep a small pool filled and flowing. The water was good and cold.
I rested awhile and ate a Nutri Grain bar, which was tough to get down, but with a lot of water it went. The remainder of the trail was gentler than earlier in the day, which helped alot. It pasted alongside some volcanic area, which I didn’t know existed. I also past a “piped springs”, which is right next to the trail. Got there earlier that I thought, and I knew this was close to my finish point. There was just a small trickle come out of the plastic pipe, but it was also good and cold.
I got to Crest Horse Camp about 12:40 pm. I was able to text my wife and she was still about 45 minutes from getting there. I texted her that I was laying by the side of the road, so she would know about where I was. Apparently, from my text, she thought I was basically done for. So my text had her worried. I was very glad to see her when she pulled up. She had a cold bottle smoothie of “mango/tango”, which I mixed with some cold water. That helped a lot! Fluid with calories is what I can consume. Solid food will come.
From this point on to Manning Park I have done in years past, some sections multiple times. Completing the PCT has been a goal of mine for years, and I am glad to have finally accomplished that goal. Sure was a challenge both physically and mentally, and while I was being challenged I saw some amazingly beautiful country, and meet some truly amazing people, both hikers and trail angles.
PCT 2017 The Steps Keep Coming
The Pacific Crest Trail (PCT) is a 2,650-mile national scenic trail that runs from Mexico to Canada through California, Oregon and Washington. The PCT traverses 24 national forests, 37 wilderness areas and 7 national parks. The PCT passes through 6 out of 7 of North Americas ecozones. Learn more:
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