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Sarah Crunelle - Pacific Crest Trail Journal - 2014

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Sarah "" Crunelle
City: Portland
State: Oregon
Country: USA
Begins: Apr 3, 2014
Direction: Northbound

Daily Summary
Date: Tue, Apr 1st, 2014

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Entry Visits: 4,087
Journal Visits: 10,549
Guestbook Views: 691
Guestbook Entrys: 4

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Pacific Crest Trail Map


HAHAHHA! what a funny couple of days. Everything is working out so well. There were a couple of important last minute things that have come down to the wire, but have come through. I am like, no way! Each has been surprising and brought much encouragement along with it.

First, I ordered my gaiters from dirty girl last minute and they came Friday via USPS. T-4 and counting.

Second, I had a warranty issue with my solar charger from Power Monkey, where they graciously shipped a new and more back packer friendly model for free of charge from the U.K. and let me keep the old model. I did the RMA 1 week ago. The package arrived yesterday! T-1 and counting.

Third, I applied for my PCT permit back on Feb 7th. It turned out it got lost in the mail. Marnie, the first PCT angel in my life sent out a new one. It arrived an hour ago! T-0!!!

And now it is time to head to the train station. I'll meet another hiker for the ride down to SD and then the angelic Girl Scout will pick us up from there.

What a ride.

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Hold on to the passion of life.


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