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SparkySanDiego - Pacific Crest Trail Journal - 2012

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Steve "Sparky" McMillan
City: San Diego
State: CA
Country: USA
Begins: Apr 14, 2012
Direction: Northbound

Daily Summary
Date: Tue, Jan 10th, 2012
Start: Campo/Mexico
End: Manning Park, Canada
Daily Distance: 0

Journal Stats
Entry Visits: 3,425
Journal Visits: 11,325
Guestbook Views: 1,246
Guestbook Entrys: 5

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Pacific Crest Trail Map

Getting Started

I have had a dream of thru hiking the PCT for a number of years. For the better part of 30 years I would slip away to the Eastern Sierras to clear the mind and re-charge the batteries. I made the decision to pull the plug and retire mid-year last year. So, on December 30, 2011, I retired after 32 years 8 months as a San Diego Police Officer.

I am researching the best gear to buy, securing maps, re-supply boxes and destinations to be mailed, getting in shape and reading everything I can get my hands on. I would not consider myself an expert outdoors person by any stretch of the imagination. I have spent enough time in the great outdoor to get myself into trouble for sure. So yesterday I signed up for the Sierra Clubs "Wilderness Basic Course" in hopes of getting some pointers and suggestions for my hike.

I will be fine tuning my journal and practicing up-loading photos and videos from the trail. So, until then, I prepare and gather what necessary to give myself the best chance of success.

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Sparky's 2012 PCT Adventure

Thru hiking the Pacific Crest Trail in 2012; my personal observations; inspired by life experiences and the world around me; my own revelations; thoughts; snippets of wisdom; random insanity; blunt honesty. I hope in some small way to be insightful; or not so much. I hope to hike and write.


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