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UrsaMajor - Pacific Crest Trail Journal - 2013

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City: Beaverton
State: Oregon
Begins: Apr 11, 2013
Direction: Northbound

Daily Summary
Date: Sun, Apr 22nd, 2012
Start: Forest Grove, OR
End: Forest Grove, OR

Journal Stats
Entry Visits: 6,103
Journal Visits: 42,039
Guestbook Views: 2,760
Guestbook Entrys: 35

Gear list

Pacific Crest Trail Map

Inaugural Entry

This is my starting journal entry for my PCT trip, starting April of 2013. I'm working on narrowing down my gear choices, exercising, losing weight, and planning out potential meals. I've got my excel spreadsheet out, and am only mildly horrified at my current base pack weight. Overall though, I'm thinking I'm planning on taking this whole thing easy, just relaxing and letting it happen, all 2650 miles of it.

By the way, I'm Storm, that's not a trail name, it's my legal name, and I'm a student, and will have completed six years in the Army, including a deployment to Iraq by the time I leave for this trip. I have been backpacking off and on for most of my life, and have hiked some portions of the PCT near the Three Sisters Wilderness and the Eagle Creek Trail, both of which are in Oregon. I look forward to meeting my fellow thru-hikers next spring!

I plan on updating this journal whenever the opportunity arises when I am on the trail, and every few months beforehand, with gear updates, and any information I acquire.

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Journal Photo

PCT 2013

I want to stand as close to the edge as I can without going over. Out on the edge you see all the kinds of things you can't see from the center.
- Kurt Vonnegut

Auto-updating satellite map of my hike:


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