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City: Mammoth Lakes
State: California
Country: US
Begins: Mar 20, 2015
Direction: Northbound
Daily Summary
Date: Sun, Aug 2nd, 2015
Trip Distance: 30.2
Journal Stats
Entry Visits: 2,673
Journal Visits: 25,839
Guestbook Views: 969
Guestbook Entrys: 30
Journal Entry
It was two weeks ago today that I got off trail. I'd been having a toothache off and on since Crabtree Meadows. I could handle off and on but it became persistent my last three days on trail and I just couldn't handle it anymore. I also had two incidents of hematuria (blood in my urine) from ibuprofen use (only 600mg/day) which scared the crap out of me. A big part of doing the trail was to get in shape and get healthy, that happened but then it started going in the other direction.
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