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City: Richmond
State: Virginia
Country: USA
Begins: Feb 4, 2021
Direction: Northbound
Daily Summary
Date: Tue, Jan 19th, 2021
Journal Stats
Entry Visits: 812
Journal Visits: 938
Guestbook Views: 26
Guestbook Entrys: 1
Two Weeks To Go
ONly two weeks to go and my head is spinning. So many decisions to make in terms of gear. If I were starting in the Spring it would be more straight forward but with starting in winter I don't want to be under prepared nor over prepared. Under means freezing. OVer means carrying extra weight for naught.
Bills Excellent Adventure
The Appalachian Trail (A.T.) is more than 2,175-mile long footpath stretching through 14 eastern states from Maine to Georgia. Conceived in 1921 and first completed in 1937, it traverses the wild, scenic, wooded, pastoral, and culturally significant lands of the Appalachian Mountains. Learn more:
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