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Bruce "Bookworm" Edwards
City: Takoma Park
State: Maryland
Begins: Aug 13, 2013
Direction: Southbound
Daily Summary
Date: Mon, Aug 12th, 2013
Journal Stats
Entry Visits: 1,267
Journal Visits: 1,267
Guestbook Views: 99
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Packing for the Trek
My departure date is rapidly approaching! After several months of planning and preparation, I leave for New Mexico tomorrow morning. I'm flying to Aberquerque with my wife Peggy. We'll rent a car and drive to the trailhead in Cumbres Pass, where I will say goodbye to Peggy and begin my southbound hike through New Mexico. I'm really excited to finally beginning this adventure!! My plan to spend roughly 5 weeks hiking southbound from the Colorado border to the Mexican border, a distance of roughly 670 miles. This represents about 25% of the entire Continental Divide Trail. If all goes per plan, I will complete the entire CDT and thus the Triple Crown by 2016.
Bruce Edwards
The Continental Divide Trail is a national scenic trail that runs from Mexico to Canada via New Mexico, Colorado, Wyoming, Idaho and Montana. This unfinished trail can potentially span up to 3,100 miles. Learn more:
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