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Brian (Buck-30)
Begins: Apr 3, 2019
Direction: Northbound
Daily Summary
Date: Sat, Jan 6th, 2024
Start: Myrtle Beach
End: Myrtle Beach
Daily Distance: 0
Trip Distance: 2,038.0
Journal Stats
Entry Visits: 590
Journal Visits: 45,037
Guestbook Views: 753
Guestbook Entrys: 25
2023 Updates
2023 updates!
I was getting error messages trying to add this to my main Planning entry so I'll just add updates here:
--Gerald and Anke in 2023 cached no food or water! They had a very wet Spring, but honestly in California this doesn't really matter that much, there isn't a lot of "new" water in a wet year. They are just super hard core and carried on average 8-10 liters at a time! They also hitched into a few places (notably Death Valley) just to get water. This was a very impressive feat. Not recommended for most hikers, they are very experienced and seem to effortessly carry the weight. They proved it can be done!
--The Northern Nevada/Oregon mapsets are probably difficult/impossible to still get, but Steve has actually gone out to hike these sections and wrote the additional/final guidebooks which is awesome! The Death Valley guidebook by Huxtable is also out of print and I believe Steve has now written his own guidebook for that too.
--The DTA has been dissolved and no longer exists.
The Desert Trail
The Desert Trail is a 2,000+ mile route from Mexico to Canada through the deserts of eastern California, western Nevada and eastern Oregon and Washington. Originally conceptualized in the 1960s this rugged, beautiful and almost forgotten route visits Americas greatest desert landscapes and wilderness areas.
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