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City: Everett
State: Washington
Begins: Apr 5, 2016
Direction: Northbound
Daily Summary
Date: Mon, Jan 20th, 2014
Journal Stats
Entry Visits: 3,670
Journal Visits: 54,976
Guestbook Views: 1,151
Guestbook Entrys: 23
View: 1
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What can I do?
I live in Everett WA. I have just completed hiking the Washington state portion of the Pacific Crest Trail, all 520 miles of it, and I'm trying to get used to some of my ultra-lite gear ( see gear list ) and to find out if I can tolerate it. I plan to hike the Oregon portion of the PCT in the summer of 2015. After that I hope to thru-hike the entire PCT from Mexico to Canada when I retire from my job in January of 2016 . Wish me luck.
What Can I Do ?
Pct thruhike journal starts at entry 29 dated March 29...... a good menu and food ideas are at entry dated Jan 23 2016
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