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Chaseat99 - Florida Trail Journal - 2014

Entry 63 of 63
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City: Axton
State: Virginia
Country: USA
Begins: Jan 8, 2014
Direction: Northbound

Daily Summary
Date: Thu, Feb 27th, 2014
Start: Forgotten creek
End: Bull creek
Daily Distance: 32.8
Trip Distance: 1,020.7
Hours Hiked: 11.5
Entry Lat: 30.738746
Entry Lng: -86.246708
Min Temp: 37
Max Temp: 59

Journal Stats
Entry Visits: 2,707
Journal Visits: 21,179
Guestbook Views: 1,773
Guestbook Entrys: 5

Florida Trail Map

(Click image for full size)


Dry feet all day

It's hard getting used to this time change since I crossed into central
time Zone. Now it gets light at 6 am and dark at 6pm. Instead of 7 and 7.
A sign along the way said this was the highest point on the Florida
Trail but it did not give the elevation. I had planned to stay at Alqua
camp but I was the by 3... that's 2: central. So I did Anothet 7 miles.
It sure is nice to have clean looking water from creeks that are not
full of tannin.
I was a little worried that I would have to turn back at the Blount
and or Alquara creeks since it rained so much yesterday. Luckily thet were
log bridges across them. The signs warned that the Big log bridge was
condemned and not to user it. But it seemed fine to me. It was a great
section and I am glad that I did not do the road walk Bypass instead.
Calling for 25* tonight

Entry 63 of 63
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x...I will upload pictures here when I have wifi..........................................................Chase's Photo Gallery


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