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Chaseat99 - Appalachian Trail Journal - 2015

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City: Axton
State: Virginia
Country: USA
Begins: Feb 1, 2015
Direction: Northbound

Daily Summary
Date: Thu, Jun 16th, 2016
Start: camp
End: VA 16
Daily Distance: 8
Trip Distance: 2,231.1

Journal Stats
Entry Visits: 1,424
Journal Visits: 51,814
Guestbook Views: 6,408
Guestbook Entrys: 16

Appalachian Trail Map

Yea, time for a bath and clean cloths

A nice thunderstorm or two cooled things off before dark. Whew that 86* heat was tough. I had a much cooler than yesterday hike. Drove to Atkins and grabbed a "Speedy Gonzales" plate at the Mex place. It seemed like the best food that I have had in a while.
Since Google is doing away with Picasa web I am now posting pictures to Google Photos., seems like every album requires a separate link.
142 photos and video

Entry 207 of 207
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x...I will upload pictures here when I have wifi..........................................................Chase's Photo Gallery


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