State: California
Country: USA
Begins: Mar 17, 2012
Direction: Northbound
Daily Summary
Date: Wed, Nov 16th, 2011
Journal Stats
Entry Visits: 2,215
Journal Visits: 3,373
Where's the Customer Service ?
I decided to get a tent that was on sale from a large department store. I know it's a little heavy, but thought I would see if I could cut some weight by using other light weight poles and stakes. I even wanted to get the proper footprint for this model. Needless to say I made a phone call. I was told that this brand new tent.....that they do NOT have in their catalog or on their web site does not have a foot print available till spring.....so I should call back mid March. Say WHAT !!! I will be on the trail mid March so.....this is out of the question. Guess I will keep my eyes open for options on a backup tent. DIP
The PCT Diet
When you see the sign DIP Just think of ME !!! Dad In Pain I'm the guy who is hiking the Pacific Crest Trail in 2012 Follow along and lets have some fun.
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