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Ed Rodriguez
City: Sacramento
State: CA
Country: USA
Begins: Jul 14, 2011
Direction: Northbound
Daily Summary
Date: Sat, Jul 16th, 2011
Start: Trail Camp
End: Guitar Lake
Trip Distance: 4.6
Journal Stats
Entry Visits: 1,775
Journal Visits: 4,625
Guestbook Views: 397
Guestbook Entrys: 1
Day 4
Started on the trail at 7:00 felt good but once I reach the section where the cables where things seem to fall apart on me I really labor going up the switchbacks saw these two girls that made plans to climb the snow chute, I tell you they got bigger balls than I do.I just took my time dealing with one switchback at a time if I need to stop I did.Some people that I came across where turning back because their body was having a hard time. Once I reach trail crest I saw the two girls summit climbing the snow chute. I reach the trail jct around 12:30. I decided not to go up to Mt Whitney really didn't not want to go the 3.8 miles round trip plus wanted to get a jump on far I wanted to go today.
John Muir Trail 2011
Ed "The Tortes" Rodriguez
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