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Ed Rodriguez
City: Sacramento
State: CA
Country: USA
Begins: Apr 19, 2010
Direction: Southbound
Daily Summary
Date: Tue, Aug 3rd, 2010
Start: trail camp
End: whitney portal
Daily Distance: 6
Trip Distance: 230.7
Journal Stats
Entry Visits: 2,062
Journal Visits: 11,427
Guestbook Views: 270
Guestbook Entrys: 6
Day 28
We woke up at 6 and was on the trail by 6:45. On our way down we can across all kinds of people they where ether summit Whitney or going to camp out at outpost camp or trail camp. My left knee stated to hurt slowing us down. We reach Whitney Portal around 11:30 to my relief our car was this there. I fear for what ever reason it was getting towed. We drop off our pack at the car and got some clean clothes to change into. We went to Whitney Portal store had a burger and hot showers. We meet up with John and Casey had a nice time talking to them and other that had finished the JMT. Around 2 we pack up John and Casey packs in our car and headed to Mammoth Lakes to pizza and pie. After Mammoth we dropped them off at Lee Vining so they can hitch a ride to Yosemite. We said our goodbye at the gas station and headed our way home. After we pass Lake Tahoe we pick up a PCTer found out latter he was hitching the wrong way. We drop him off at Pollock Pine and gave him the rest of our food and fuel. Some one stole his flee jacked, so I gave him the one I had gave him my address and told him when he get the money to send me for my flee. That ended a wonderful trip.
John Muir Trail - 2010
The John Muir Trail passes through a land of 13,000 and 14,000 foot peaks, of lakes in the thousands, and of canyons and granite cliffs. It's also a land blessed with the mildest, sunniest climate of any major mountain range in the world. The John Muir Trail is 211 miles long and runs (mostly in conjunction with the PCT) from Yosemite Valley to Mt Whitney, in California.
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