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Mary "Fireweed" Kwart
City: Ashland
State: Oregon
Country: USA
Begins: Aug 2, 2011
Direction: Westbound
Daily Summary
Date: Thu, Sep 15th, 2011
Start: Durango
End: Seattle
Daily Distance: 0
Trip Distance: 479.1
Journal Stats
Entry Visits: 2,611
Journal Visits: 18,928
Guestbook Views: 597
Guestbook Entrys: 2
Air travel tribulations
I am including this journal entry for those who fly to get to and return from backpacking destinations. When I checked in my pack, the ticket agent was kind enough to offer a large clear heavy duty plastic bag to put the pack in (Frontier Airlines). Some airlines do not provide this. She also had locking plastic bag ties to secure the bag end and attach the luggage receipt. I flew Frontier into Denver and changed to Alaska Airlines in Denver to get to Seattle and Medford, Oregon. Unfortunately I was flying standby in Denver, so only checked my bag through to Seattle even though my final destination was Medford, Oregon, in case I didn't make it on the plane in Seattle. I was pretty sure of my ability to get on the plane in Denver because a friend who worked for the airline I was flying on checked the flight "Loads" and the flight I had chosen to get to Seattle still had empty seats. I arrived in Seattle uneventfully. I had to gather up my bag, which arrived safely but not on the general luggage merry go round. It was dumped with other unusually shaped and large luggage by the airline baggage claim office. Luckily I spotted it before I had time to build up a nasty case of angst looking for it on the regular luggage carousel.
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