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Mary "Fireweed" Kwart
City: Ashland
State: Oregon
Country: USA
Begins: Mar 18, 2015
Direction: Northbound
Daily Summary
Date: Tue, Apr 7th, 2015
Daily Distance: 0
Trip Distance: 199.7
Journal Stats
Entry Visits: 2,075
Journal Visits: 7,422
Guestbook Views: 348
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Total Elevation Gain
I figured out the total elevation gain hiking the first 207 miles of the AT and compared it to the total elevation gain of the 210 mile John Muir Trail. I climbed about 37,000 feet on the AT in 207 miles. According to Wikipedia, the total elevation gain on the JMT is 46,000 feet, hiking north to south. I thought that maybe the AT would surpass it, but it's still impressive. A good workout.
AT Springer To Gatlinburg
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