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Mary "Fireweed" Kwart
City: Ashland
State: Oregon
Country: USA
Begins: Mar 11, 2011
Direction: Northbound
Daily Summary
Date: Thu, Mar 24th, 2011
Start: Tucson
End: Ashland, Oregon
Daily Distance: 0
Trip Distance: 122.1
Journal Stats
Entry Visits: 2,564
Journal Visits: 9,513
Guestbook Views: 352
Guestbook Entrys: 3
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Goodbye Tucson
Tucson logistics and home
To avoid paying for a taxi to the sirport I chose to stay at the airport Quality Inn on Benson--the closest hotel to town that had an airport shuttle. I needed to pick up a duffle from the main post office in Tucson (a friend had sent it to me care of General Delivery) to put my backpack in for flying. I walked to the post office through questionable sections of town--feel much more conspicuous as a walker in town where everyone has cars. Then--a flight back to Ashland, Oregon.
Fireweed On The Arizona Trail
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