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Gwilson - Pacific Crest Trail Journal - 2011

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Greg "Sprinkles" Wilson
City: Alpine
State: California
Country: United States
Begins: May 1, 2011
Direction: Northbound

Daily Summary
Date: Wed, Jun 1st, 2011
End: The Andersons
Trip Distance: 478.0

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Entry Visits: 2,753
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Guestbook Views: 829
Guestbook Entrys: 13

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24 in 24

On the 30th, Bandit and I got into Agua Dulce where we spent a few hours relaxing. At 7pm we went down to the liquor store where Bandit, Buttercup, and Justin bought 24 beers a piece. I had bought two, sixteen ounce bottles of whiskey. The plan was to hike the 24 miles to the Andersons, while drinking a beer (or a shot, in my case) every mile, all night. It was a long night, but 13 hours later, we stumbled into in the Andersons. After saying hi to everyone, I quickly fell asleep in a hammock, where I spent the next several hours sleeping in the shade of a big oak tree. It might not have been the best idea in the world, but we made it, and we had a blast.

Today we are taking a break and rehydrating at the Andersons. This place is wonderful, and the Andersons are the coolest people ever. Last night they prepared a feast of taco salads and it was followed by everyone singing around the campfire and telling stories. The backyard here feels like an enchanted forest of manzanitas and oaks. The trails wind through the thick forest where there are small clearings where there are big enough spaces to set up camps. There must be 30 hikers here, all spread out in this dence maze of shadows. It really is awesome here, and it's going to hard to leave this place tomorrow.

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Pacific Crest Trail - 2011

The Pacific Crest Trail (PCT) is a 2,650-mile national scenic trail that runs from Mexico to Canada through California, Oregon and Washington.


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