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Heron - Pacific Crest Trail Journal - 2014

Entry 19 of 19
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Country: Europe
Begins: Aug 8, 2014
Direction: Northbound

Daily Summary
Date: Thu, Apr 24th, 2014

Journal Stats
Entry Visits: 2,684
Journal Visits: 13,819
Guestbook Views: 650
Guestbook Entrys: 8

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Pacific Crest Trail Map

Booked my flight

Finally I booked my flight to PDX - and my hike for 2014 is getting real!
End of april is coming and I can feel the feverish impatience that is out there on the border, around the monument - quite contagious!
I still need to plan how to get back to Cascade Locks from Portland, but there is enough time - and I learned the last 2 years that everything will fall into place when the time is right.
So far I am only doing some dayhikes, trying to get in shape for WA!
See you there guys!

Entry 19 of 19
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PCT 2014

Life is what happens while you make other plans. (J. Lennon)


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