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City: White Salmon
State: Washington
Country: USA
Begins: Apr 25, 2013
Direction: Northbound
Daily Summary
Date: Fri, May 3rd, 2013
Start: Barrel Springs
End: Warner Springs
Daily Distance: 9
Trip Distance: 18.0
Hours Hiked: 2.45
Entry Lat: 33.285194
Entry Lng: -116.643219
Journal Stats
Entry Visits: 1,660
Journal Visits: 5,604
Guestbook Views: 960
Guestbook Entrys: 14
Warner Springs
Started today with fried eggs in bread, beagles , coffee and fresh fruit. Rough huh. Said our thank yous and good byes. Me feet are blistered so decided to hump it strait thru to warnersprings. Nice change in hiking scenery, but I was on a mission. I did 9 miles in 2 hours and 45 min. Off course fell to the lawn for 15. Warner Springs is not a town, its a school. The kids and Parents ( really the Parents) have opened alittle store that has hiker goods, they do your laundray and have SHOWERS! What a joy, we get taken care of and help fund their school projects, a win win. Its been great day again. As I sit here one hiker who is carrying a guatair is leading everyone in song. Can You Say Community! Resting over and soacking my feet in Epsom salts hope they are better by tommorow.
Nirvana At 50
Hiker Man 50
I travel the road less Traveled
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