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Bill & Jenn
City: Portland
State: Maine
Country: USA
Begins: Apr 15, 2016
Direction: Northbound
Daily Summary
Date: Fri, Sep 5th, 2014
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Some gear laying out
Journal Entry
Woo It's been awhile!
So, this summer has been great for hiking! Jenn and I have finally (very nearly) finished purchasing and testing gear for our upcoming fall trips.
Currently, I'm sitting at a ~6.8 lb baseweight for 3-season hiking (closer to 5.5 lbs for short summer trips) while still keeping many comfort items and things that I've deemed "worth it". That being said, 6.8 lbs is still a little high and I'd like top shave off another .5 lbs or so. There's a few places where I know I can lose weight (quilt/sleeping bag, sleeping pad, etc) but for now I am very comfortable with what I'm using! I may shorten my pad to ~40 in. and perhaps that would provide substantial weigt savings, but that's a decision for another day. I still haven't tried using my backpack as a sleeping pad for my legs, and I'm concerned as to whether or not the carbon fiber stays would be in any way damaged from this use.. Time will tell and I will report back!
Also, I'm currently testing a new eGear eQ2 Ultra Light headlamp. It's cheap and light ($ 12 & 1.2 oz with batteries) - so who knows how it will perform longterm... again, time will tell =P
Going For A Walk
With peace and love,
Bill & Jenn
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