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Lonehiker - Continental Divide Trail Journal - 2019

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City: Cheyenne
State: WY
Begins: Apr 19, 2019
Direction: Northbound

Daily Summary
Date: Tue, Jan 22nd, 2019

Journal Stats
Entry Visits: 971
Journal Visits: 3,391
Guestbook Views: 46
Guestbook Entrys: 1

Journal Plan

Continental Divide Trail Map

Maps and other thoughts

Ordered Yogi's resupply guide a couple of days ago and received shipment notification today. Downloaded the Ley maps to my phone using Avenza maps. Bought Guthooks app for NM. I have also downloaded the "official" maps from the CDTC to my computer. Unsure if I will use them on the hike. I still feel a need to have paper maps with me although from most of the youtube vids I have watched no one uses them very often. Still, I feel comfortable having them. So I am debating 3 options: 1. Print the Ley maps (Office Depot), 2. Buy maps from Bearcreek, 3. Buy mapbook from Postholer. Unsure if/when any of them will be updated this year so will probably wait until February/March to make that decision.

Used Postholer planner to create a rudimentary resupply plan. Will wait for Yogi's book to finalize those details.

Initial thoughts are to start around April 19th with an end date of ~ June 4th. Obviously, for those reading this, I am only doing the NM portion of the CDT.

I still need to figure out my transportation to Lordsburg and to schedule my shuttle/water cache with the CDTC.

About all for now. Always been of a mind that most over-plan long trips.

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CDT NM Section



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